
A custom number-picker library for Android.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Platform Language API License

The library is a custom number-picker for Android.


  • Supports integers and decimal values.
  • Supports units.
  • Supports negative values.
  • Has four different visual modes; horizontal, horizontal circular, vertical left and vertical right.
  • Highly customizable. Fonts, colours, hight and width of border, dividers and indicator, and curve height.
  • Supports using custom styles and themes.


List of labels of the different elements in the ScaleNumberPicker.

Sub-Divisions and Ticks

  • While Divisions are divided into Sub-divisions, Sub-divisions are also divided into smaller units called ticks.
  • The scale snaps to the nearest tick after swiping in either direction.
  • By default each division has 5 subdivisions and each subdivision has two ticks, these can be changed in the xml attributes however.
  • To change the distace between subdivisions, the property snp_subdivision_width need to be adjusted.


Gradle 7

  1. Add maven repository to your list of repositories in settings.gradle found in the root of your project:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add the dependency to the app module's build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.arcm111.ScaleNumberPicker:final:1.0.1'


  1. Set ScaleNumberPicker.OnValueChangedListener to listen to value changes:
ScaleNumberPicker snp = findElementById("my-scale-numberpicker-id")
snp.setOnValueChangedListener(new ScaleNumberPicker.OnValueChangedListener(float oldValue, float newValue) {
    // Do something with the new value.
  1. Get value programmatically:
ScaleNumberPicker snp = findElementById("my-scale-numberpicker-id")
float value = snp.getValue();
  1. Set value programmatically:
ScaleNumberPicker snp = findElementById("my-scale-numberpicker-id")
float value = snp.setValue(myFloatValue);


    app:snp_value_text_size="20sp" />


Attribute Name Description Default Value
snp_border_colour Colour of the scale's border #000000
snp_border_width Line width of the scale's border 2dp
snp_curve_height The curve height of horizontal-circular scale type if already selected 40dp
snp_division_line_height Height of each division line 16dp
snp_division_line_in_range_colour Colour of in-range division lines #000000
snp_division_line_out_of_range_colour Colour of out-of-range division lines #BBBBBB
snp_division_line_width Width of each division line 2dp
snp_division_text_colour Colour of values located under each division line #000000
snp_division_text_margin Margin between division lines and division values 12dp
snp_division_text_size Text size of values located under each division line 12sp
snp_indicator_colour Colour of the indicator #FF0000
snp_indicator_offset Distance between the indicator's triangle and the border 2dp
snp_indicator_triangle_width Width of the indicator's needle 8dp
snp_max_value Maximum value in the scale 100
snp_min_value Minimum value in the scale 0
snp_orientation Orientation of the scale (Horizontal, VerticalLeft, VerticalRight, HorizontalCircular) Horizontal
snp_show_indicator_needle Show or hide the indicator's needle true
snp_subdivision_line_height Height of each subdivision line 10dp
snp_subdivision_line_in_range_colour Colour of in-range subdivision lines #000000
snp_subdivision_line_out_of_range_colour Colour of out-of-range subdivision lines #BBBBBB
snp_subdivision_line_width Width of each subdivision line 1dp
snp_subdivision_width Width of each subdivision 10dp
snp_subdivisions_count_per_division Number of subdivisions in each division 5
snp_tick_value Value of a single tick within a subdivision 1
snp_ticks_count_per_subdivision Number of ticks in each subdivision 2
snp_unit_label Unit label text to be displayed under the scale's selected value
snp_unit_label_margin Margin between scale's value and its unit label 2dp
snp_unit_label_text_colour Colour of the unit label text #000000
snp_unit_label_text_size Text size of the unit label 18sp
snp_value Scale's currently selected value 50
snp_value_text_colour Colour of scale's selected value 50
snp_value_text_margin Margin between Scale's selected value and indicator 50
snp_value_text_size Text size of the scale's selected value 50


The source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.