
Collection of projects and code examples for the Raspberry Pi Pico

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pico Projects

This repository contains a collection of projects and code examples for the Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython.

The Raspberry Pi Pico is a microcontroller board that provides an affordable and versatile platform for embedded projects. It features the RP2040 microcontroller, which is designed by Raspberry Pi and includes a powerful dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processor, along with various peripherals.


  1. SOS Morse Code This script displays the SOS Morse code on an LED connected to GPIO 25 of the Raspberry Pi Pico. The pattern repeats every 3 seconds, making it an ideal beginner project for learning basic GPIO control and timing with MicroPython. Wokwi_badge

  2. LED Flasher This MicroPython code runs on a Raspberry Pi Pico and creates a flashing sequence for the onboard LED. It features two flash patterns: fast and slow, allowing users to learn about controlling LED sequences. Wokwi_badge

  3. Traffic Light Controller This project simulates a traffic light sequence with LEDs and a Raspberry Pi Pico. Users can learn about programming timing and LED sequences, while also employing the state machine design pattern for efficient management of states and transitions. Wokwi_badge

  4. DHT22 Sensor Data Reader This script reads and displays temperature and humidity data from a DHT22 sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico. It continuously prints the sensor data to the console every second. Wokwi_badge

  5. I2C LCD Display This project demonstrates how to control an I2C LCD display with a Raspberry Pi Pico. Users can learn about setting up I2C communication, sending text and commands, and manipulating display features. Wokwi_badge

  6. SSD1306 OLED Display This project showcases interfacing and controlling an SSD1306 OLED display with a Raspberry Pi Pico. Users can learn about setting up I2C communication, displaying text and images, and creating simple animations. Wokwi_badge

  7. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor This project demonstrates using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and Raspberry Pi Pico to measure distances. Users can learn about setting up GPIO pins, calculating time for echo signals, and converting time into distance measurements. Wokwi_badge

  8. 7-Segment Display Counter This project showcases interfacing with a 7-segment display to create an ascending and descending hexadecimal counter using a Raspberry Pi Pico. Users can learn about controlling display segments, defining digit patterns, and using a switch to control counting direction. Wokwi_badge

  9. Google Home Four-Color Rotation Animation This project showcases creating a Google Home inspired four-color rotation animation using a Raspberry Pi Pico and an LED ring light. Users can learn about controlling LED colors, defining pixel patterns, and creating a smooth color transition animation. Wokwi_badge

  10. RGB LED Control with PWM This project drive a RGB Led with three pins of PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) and make some color with change the state of three pins.Wokwi_badge

  11. Servo motor Controlled by Potentiometer This project drive a Servo motor with PWM and using a Potentiometer and use ADC channel.I hope you enjoy it!.Wokwi_badge

Getting Started

To get started with these projects, you'll need to set up your Raspberry Pi Pico with MicroPython. Follow the official documentation to learn how to install MicroPython on your Pico and start running the code.


Feel free to contribute to this repository by submitting pull requests with new projects or improvements to existing ones. Please ensure that your code is well-documented and follows the general structure and style of the existing projects.


All projects in this repository are licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.