
A custom dark theme for SimulIDE

Primary LanguagePython

Dark Theme for SimulIDE

A custom dark theme for SimulIDE, designed to enhance your simulation experience with a sleek, eye-friendly interface.

SimulIDE Dark Theme Screenshot

Adding the Dark Theme to SimulIDE

Attention: Before you start, it is highly recommended to back up the files and directories that will be replaced. This precaution allows you to revert to the original state if you prefer the initial appearance or do not like the theme.

Steps to Apply the Theme

  1. Backup Important Files:

    • Before proceeding, ensure to backup the relevant files and directories in case you need to revert the changes.
  2. Replace Images:

    • Copy and replace the images found in the root of this repository:
      • components/* to src/icons/components/
      • mainwindow/* to src/icons/mainwindow/
  3. Copy QDarkStyle Files:

    • The qdarkstyle/* files added in this repository should be copied to the src/qdarkstyle directory of SimulIDE.
  4. Images:

    • The files located in the images directory can be copied to your data/images directory in SimulIDE.

Modifying Code Files Before Building

  • Edit SimulIDE.pri:

    • In the root of the SimulIDE source, edit the SimulIDE.pri file and add the following lines:
      RESOURCES = $$PWD/src/application.qrc
      # Right below the last line of RESOURCES...
      RESOURCES += $$PWD/src/qdarkstyle/light/lightstyle.qrc
      RESOURCES += $$PWD/src/qdarkstyle/dark/darkstyle.qrc
  • Update mainwindow.cpp:

    • In the src/mainwindow.cpp file, add the following lines below setFont( df ); inside the main function MainWindow::MainWindow():
      // Look for this block:
      // Fonts --------------------------------------
      // ...rest of the code...
      setFont( df );
      // Now, copy only the lines below at the end of the font routines.
      QFile f(":qdarkstyle/dark/darkstyle.qss");
      if (!f.exists()) {
          printf("Unable to set stylesheet, file not found\n");
      else {
          f.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
          QTextStream ts(&f);

Building SimulIDE

Extra Scripts

Included in this repository is a Python script named invert_colors.py, designed to automate the process of inverting colors of images. This script can be particularly useful for adapting various assets to match the dark theme aesthetics of SimulIDE.
