
An .NET add-in for ArcGIS Pro demonstration how to embed a gp toolbox.

Primary LanguageC#


Example of embedding and deploying gp toolbox through a .NET add-in.

Official sdk doc is at : https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk/wiki/ProGuide-content-and-image-resources#embedding-toolboxes


This extension point is familiar to .net add-in developers, and allows them to

  1. include toolbox in their Add-ins (along with other add-in functionality)
  2. toolbox are included as system toolboxes
    1. automatically get listed in the Toolboxes window
  3. can pre-generate resource (optional)
    1. xml for all gp toolbox & tool strings & messages, also allows for translation
    2. include pre-generated python wrapper

compiling and using deep-thought-add-in

  1. build the add in follow "Build your fist add in" instructions
  2. open ArcGIS Pro
  3. show the Geoprocessing Tools view
  4. expand the Deep Thoughts (alias from xml)
  5. run the Answer (from xml) tool

instructions on how to create your own

Below is the process that was used to create this add-in.

create a toolbox

Create and implement your toolbox/tools normally.

externalize resources (optional)

run arcpy.gp.createtoolboxsupportfiles(<path to .tbx or .pyt>) to produce resources (optional)*

This step is optional, running the command above generates external xml files for all tool/toolbox resources which allows them to be managed external to the toolbox file. And if translated xml are present and put in the correct location will automatically be picked up by gp framework when the ArcGISPro app is run on language other than default.

Additionally the command above will produce an python module with functions for each gp tool in the toolbox. This module will be added to arcpy automatically using the toolbox.alias as a namespace (eg arcpy.deepthought.Answer) .

For more details see:

gotcha: during development of the toolbox/tool it is not possible to use messages.xml as messages xml are only loaded into the global messages list at application startup, and during add-in development your messages.xml will not be found in the default help/gp/messages or in the path relative to toolbox using add-in or site-packages extension point. May want to move strings into messages.xml during the final phase of development to make this easier.

add toolbox to an add-in

  1. install arcgis-pro-sdk, link: ProGuide-Installation-and-Upgrade
  2. create an add-in, link: see Pro Guide Build your first Add-in
  3. add a folder to your Add-in called Toolboxes at top of directory structure
  4. add all files (Add Existing Item...) and folders from create a toolbox section above, to the following structure 2019-05-03_9-47-43
  5. for each file in the Toolboxes folder, set their Build Action as AddInContent 2019-05-03_9-49-02