
Enables or disables checkboxes, input, etc.depending on the state of other checkboxes or other inputs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Enables or disables checkboxes, input, etc. (or adds a class) depending on the state of other checkboxes or other inputs (by id).

Inputs other than checkboxes and radio buttons are "checked" if they are valid.


<script src="interlinker.js"></script>


(they aren't necessarily good examples and only illustrate the concept)

<!-- simple dependecy -->
<input type="checkbox" id="cake" /> I'd like cake
<input type="checkbox" id="candles" depends="cake" /> I'd like it with candles

<!-- multi dependecy -->
<input type="checkbox" id="sign" depends="[cake,candles]">I'd like it with a sign

<!-- inverted dependecy -->
<input type="checkbox" id="ice_cream" depends="!cake" />I'd like ice cream

If you add depends on anything else than inputs the class disabled` will be applied to it

<input type="checkbox" id="cake" /> I'd like cake
<img src="cake.png" id="cake" />

img.disabled { display: none }