
A Java Web Application Generator

Primary LanguageXtend

See: https://gist.github.com/arcs-/5666f3120cee0282475ad224043f5cff

Web Application Generator

This is a generator that will allow you to easly create complex JSF applications. Using the JPA, EJBs and JSF with Bootsfaces.


  • Eclipse ( with Maven )
  • Glassfish 4.* ( or any other Java webserver with Java EE libraries ) and a JDBC pool
  • A JPA compatible Database ( e.g. Mysql )

Import the Generator

The document panel is accessible using the button in the navigation bar. You can create a new document by clicking New document in the document panel.

Write the Script

version 1.0.0
name TheAmazingApp
domain biz.stillhart.amazing

form Customer
	! firstname string
	! lastname string
	street string  
	city string
	zipcode int
	is_rich boolean 

Create a new file in the src folder with the .gmodel extension. The script is space sensitive, like in Phyton you have to intend. The Attributes are seperated by spaces and linebreaks.

All scripts require a head with version, name and domain. Optionally you may specfiiy a database, the default for would be java:comp/DefaultDataSource.

form Formname Databasename
	! a_required_string string
	! a_required_int int
	a_long long 
	a_boolean boolean
	a_char char

After the head multiple forms follow. A form defines the page and table that will be generated. The name can be followed by a name for the table, defaults to a lowercase of the name.

Attributes start with a ! when the are manadory to enter in the UI (not null on the DB). Then comes the name followed by the Datatype.


char | string | int | long | boolean


The generator will do its thing as sone as you save. All files will be compiled into src-gen. Wait about a second (on a really slow computer a bit more).

Then refresh this folder and right click on the last file pom.xml. In the context menue click run as -> 6 Maven install. This will take another second and you may want to refresh again.

In ...-app folder under target should be a .ear file, which can easly deployed on the server.


Dueto the nature of the compiler, you have to delete this folder whenever you remove a form.

"It's not working"

  • Make sure all the requirements are met. Do all server run, does the JDBC ping work and is the URL correct?
  • There shouldn't be any warnings (or errors) in the .gmodel
  • Dues the Database exist and is it empty?


version 1.0.0
name BbcBank
domain ch.bbc.uek223 

form Customer aTable
	! firstname string
	! lastname string
	title string
	street string  
	city string
	zipcode int
	is_rich boolean 

form Account
	! iban string
	! balance long
	overdraft long
	active boolean

form Transaction
	type char
	text string
	amount long