
Opinionated set of tmux, vim, zshrc configuration files, instructions on setup, and tutorial referencing this setup's keybindings.

Primary LanguageVim Script

VIM Setup

run cmd

Installing VIM

  • brew install vim

Configuring VIM with dotfiles

  • mkdir ~/bin && cd $_
  • git clone https://github.com/arcseldon/dotfiles-vim.git
  • mkdir -p dotfiles/vim/bundle
  • git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/bin/dotfiles/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  • cd ~ ln -nfs ~/bin/dotfiles/ctags .ctags
  • ln -nfs ~/bin/dotfiles/vim/vimrc .vimrc
  • ln -nfs ~/bin/dotfiles/iex.exs .iex.exs
  • ln -nfs ~/bin/dotfiles/agignore .agignore
  • ln -nfs ~/bin/dotfiles/vim .vim
  • vim +PluginInstall +qall (alternatively launch vim and run :PluginInstall)

ZSH (Optional)

Includes scripts for auto-loading tmux on shell startup

Install oh-my-zsh using manual install

git clone git://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh
  • ln -nfs ~/bin/dotfiles/zshrc .zshrc

TMUX (Optional)

ln -nfs ~/bin/dotfiles/tmux.conf .tmux.conf


$ brew install git
$ brew install vim
$ brew install tmux
$ brew install ctags
$ brew install ack
$ brew install ag
$ brew install fzf 
$ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace


The tuts folder contains my “show notes” from presentations where I have discussed both VIM and TMUX.

Iterm2 Setup

Am using gruvbox color scheme for Iterm2 - Get Iterm2 & vim files here

run cmd

For font settings, I am using Operator Mono with medium typeface.

run cmd