
A bot to post comments on GitHub pull requests when a new NuGet package is pushed to GitHub Package Registry

MIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Package Registry Bot for GitHub Pull Requests

A bot to post comments on GitHub pull requests when a new NuGet package is pushed to GitHub Package Registry.


  • An Azure subscription
  • Access to a GitHub Package Registry account
  • GitHub user that will be used to post comments
  • Push NuGet versions in format of PR-{pr-id}, but you can also tweak the template to use your pattern

How it works

The bot is a simple Azure Logic App which will receive webhook notifications from GitHub Package Registry when new packages are pushed to your feed.

It will interpret the passed information to compose a comment on the PR that triggered the new packages.

By default the Logic App will determine the PR ID given it assumes to have the PR-{pr-id} format.


If your pattern diverts from this pattern you can always tweak the bot and deploy that instead.

License Information

This is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the web application. But you always need to state that Tom Kerkhove is the original author of this web application.