Arcweave Godot Plugin

Arcweave Godot Plugin is a plugin for importing Arcweave Projects from in Godot and using them in your Projects.

The Arcweave Godot Export feature is available to all Arcweave users, including the Free accounts. The API import feature is available to the Team tier.

Table of Contents

Installing the Plugin

In order to use the plugin, you will need the .NET version of Godot Engine which you can find here.

Download the plugin and add the addons/arcweave folder in your project's addons folder.

Note: Downloading this plugin from the "Download ZIP" button, will only download the addons folder. If you want to download our test project as well, you have to either clone the repo or find the file in releases which contains all the files of this repo.

If you haven't already, create a C# solution for your project, through Project -> Tools -> C# -> Create C# Solution. This will create two files in your root folder with the name of your project and with extensions .csproj and .sln.

Open the .csproj file, and after the PropertyGroup part, add the following:

    <PackageReference Include="Antlr4.Runtime.Standard" Version="4.13.1" />

So the file will now look similar to this:

<Project Sdk="Godot.NET.Sdk/4.2.1">
    <TargetFramework Condition=" '$(GodotTargetPlatform)' == 'android' ">net7.0</TargetFramework>
    <TargetFramework Condition=" '$(GodotTargetPlatform)' == 'ios' ">net8.0</TargetFramework>
    <PackageReference Include="Antlr4.Runtime.Standard" Version="4.13.1" />

This will add a required library for the plugin which handles the interpretation of Arcscript.

Then refresh your project, go to Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins and enable it.

Getting data from Arcweave

You can import your project in two ways, using our API or by downloading the Godot Export and selecting the exported file

Folder Import

To use the Folder Import you will have to download the Godot Engine Export for your Arcweave Project.

In your Arcweave Project select the Export Option from the top right corner

Arcweave Export

Then Select the Engine Tab and Download the Export file for Godot.

Arcweave Export Tab

Save the exported file.

API Import

Feature available to Team account holders only. You can fetch your Arcweave project's data from within Godot, via Arcweave's web API.

To do this, you will need:

  • your API key as an Arcweave user.
  • your project's hash.

This chapter in the Arcweave Documentation explains where to find both of them.

Creating an ArcweaveAsset

Either way, to import your data into Godot, you must create an ArcweaveAsset in your Godot project. To do this, right-click on your Godot FileSystem tab, select New Resource and find the ArcweaveAsset option and pick the file name of your choice.

Loading the Project Data

Open the newly created resource's inspector. You will see two options for selecting either a file or use the Arcweave API to retrieve the data.

  • Importing from JSON: Click on Select Project File, find your downloaded export file and select it.
  • Importing from API: Fill the API key and Project Hash values.

Then click on Initialize Arcweave Asset button. This will either load the project from the file, or fetch the data from the API and store it's info in the Resource.

Using the ArcweaveAsset

You can use ArcweaveAsset in your own way. Use a separate node for the Arcweave Project, integrate it on your own, or you can use the ArcweaveNode we are providing.

Use ArcweaveNode

This plugin creates a new ArcweaveNode type, that you can use in your scenes to integrate your Arcweave Project in your game.

Add an ArcweaveNode as a child node in your scene and use the Inspector tab connect it to your resource that you created earlier.

This Node has 3 properties:

  • ArcweaveAsset
  • Story
  • ApiRequest

The Story is the class that handles the Arcweave Project. It stores all the info regarding your project and it's the way we are interacting with it.

ApiRequest is an instance of a Node that is being added as a child of ArcweaveNode. It handles the connection to the Arcweave API for requesting and retrieving the updated Arcweave Project.

Create your own Node

You can also create your own nodes and interact with the ArcweaveAsset.

In order to update during runtime though, you would have to add the node inside your scene. This will insert an HTTPRequest node in your scene and you will be able to make requests. You can see how we implemented owr own ArcweaveNode.cs for C# or for GDScript and follow a similar pattern.

Our Implementation

Most of our implementation, except ArcweaveAsset and some editor GDScript classes, are written in C#. This means that not all of the API is available in GDScript, because of type compatibility issues. The reason is that the interpreter we are using for arcscript is written in C# and uses built in types.

Using functions with the name pattern GetGodot* will retrieve the appropriate instance properties in Godot types but doing this will require copying and typecasting, so the experience might be slower.

We are planning to integrate Godot types in our interpreter in the near future that will speed up this process.

Using the Plugin

Using Godot's functionality for Cross-language scripting you can use the plugin both from GDScript and C# Godot Projects. The only limitation is using the .NET version of Godot Engine.

In this repo we are providing a simple Demo of both implementations.


How to use the plugin in a C# Godot Project

The main Class that the user should use is the Story class of the plugin. This has most of the functionalities needed to traverse through a Project. Story is stored as a property inside our ArcweaveNode so our examples are based on that.

To start a Project's Story you have to initialize a Story instance with it's project settings, as well as an instance of APIRequest to be able to update your project on runtime. ArcweaveNode handles that in it's _Ready function, so if you are using this Node Type, you don't have to do it.

public override void _Ready()
    Dictionary projectSettings = (Dictionary)ArcweaveAsset.Get("project_settings");
    Story = new Story(projectSettings);

    var requestScript = GD.Load<GDScript>("res://addons/arcweave/Editor/");
    ApiRequest = (Node)requestScript.New(ArcweaveAsset);

During the initialization, the data is loaded, the starting_element is set and the Element Options are generated.

If you have a text container you can use the Story.GetCurrentRuntimeContent() function to get the text of the current element and set it. In our Demo project, we have a function called Repaint() that updates our TextContainer with the new content.

private void Repaint()
    TextContainer.Text = ArcweaveNode.Story.GetCurrentRuntimeContent();

You can also use Story.GenerateCurrentOptions() function to get the options of the current element:

private void Repaint()
    TextContainer.Text = ArcweaveNode.Story.GetCurrentRuntimeContent();

private void AddOptions()
    // Empty the previous options
    foreach (var b in OptionContainer.GetChildren())
    // Retrieve the current options
    Options options = ArcweaveNode.Story.GenerateCurrentOptions();
    if (options.Paths != null)
        foreach (var path in options.Paths)
            if (path.IsValid)
                Button button = CreateButton(path);

To select a certain option and continue the story path, we add a signal handler for the button in CreateButton that we used earlier, where we select the Path that we provided using Story.SelectPath(). When the new path is selected, we call the repaint function to recreate our UI.

private Button CreateButton(IPath path)
    Button button = new Button();
    button.Text = path.label;
    button.Pressed += () => OptionButtonPressed(path);

    return button;

private void OptionButtonPressed(IPath path)
    ArcweaveNode.Story.SelectPath(path as Path);


How to use the plugin in a GDScript Godot Project

The main Class that the user should use is the Story class of the plugin. This has most of the functionalities needed to traverse through a Project. Story is stored as a property inside our ArcweaveNode so our examples are based on that.

To start a Project's Story you have to initialize a Story instance with it's project settings, as well as an instance of APIRequest to be able to update your project on runtime. ArcweaveNode handles that in its _ready function, so if you are using this Node Type, you don't have to do it.

# Your ArcweaveAsset resource file
var arcweave_asset: ArcweaveAsset = preload("res://ArcweaveAsset.tres")
var api_request: APIRequest
var Story = load("res://addons/arcweave/Story.cs")
var story

func _ready():
	api_request =

	story =

During the initialization, the data is loaded, the starting_element is set and the Element Options are generated.

If you have a text container (here, a RichTextLabel node saved as text_window) you can use the story.GetCurrentRuntimeContent() function to get the text of the current element and set it. In our Demo project, we have a function called repaint() that updates our TextContainer with the new content.

func repaint():
	text_window.text = story.GetCurrentRuntimeContent()

You can also use story.GenerateCurrentOptions() function to get the options of the current element:

func repaint():
	text_window.text = story.GetCurrentRuntimeContent()

func add_options():
	for option in options_container.get_children():
	var options = story.GenerateCurrentOptions()
	var paths = options.GetPaths()
	if paths != null:
		for path in paths:
			if path.IsValid:
				var button : Button = create_button(path)

To select a certain option and continue the story path, we add a signal handler for the button in create_button that we used earlier, where we select the Path that we provided using story.SelectPath(). When the new path is selected, we call the repaint function to recreate our UI.

func create_button(path):
	var button : Button =
	button.text = path.label
	return button

func option_button_pressed(path):

API Documentation

Story class


Property Description
Project project The Project instance of the story
Dictionary ProjectData The starting ProjectData
IElement CurrentElement The current element of the story


Method Name Description
Story(Dictionary projectData) Initializes a Story with the project data
void UpdateStory(Dictionary projectData) Updates the story with the new project data
void SetCurrentElement(string id) Sets the current element
void SetCurrentElement(IElement element) Sets the current element
string GenerateCurrentRuntimeContent() Returns the current element's content
Options GenerateCurrentOptions() Returns the current element's options
Element GetCurrentElement() Returns the current element
void SelectPath(Path path) Selects a path/option

Project class


Property Description
string Name The Project's name
Dictionary<string, IBoard> Boards The Boards of the Project
Dictionary<string, IComponent> Components The Components of the Project
Dictionary<string, IVariable> Variables The Variables of the Project
Dictionary<string, IElement> Elements The Elements of the Project
IElement StartingElement The starting element of the Project


Method Name Description