Crosswalk WebView Cordova Plugin v3 (only bug fixes)
- 15
Support for Android SDK 29
#17 opened by mynickbusy - 6
Is it possible to use this in combination with
#18 opened by gabn88 - 1
Enabling proprietary codecs
#15 opened by FurtherMarket - 1
Support for Android SDK 29
#16 opened by sreenubkaimal - 2
x86_64 APK is not created
#14 opened by i-no - 0
#5 opened by sreenubkaimal - 0
Cordova run android does not work
#3 opened by ehdez82 - 2 for 32-bit builds are missing
#6 opened by memken - 6
Does not use crosswalk for Android N
#9 opened by renanbandeira - 1
Disable crosswalk for android 10+
#13 opened by W84Soft - 12
Not compiling with Cordova 9 & Ionic 3
#12 opened by tawakol - 4
play store issue
#11 opened - 5
Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview-v3': Error: Cannot find module 'q'
#1 opened by AlwaysLoveme - 1
WebAssembly not supported
#8 opened by SamToorchi - 1
is this plugin still based on chromium core?
#10 opened by superwangnan - 1
processArm64DebugManifest - Error
#7 opened by SamToorchi - 2
- 7