
An experimental mysql http client (curl) plugin

Primary LanguageC++


A MySQL 8 component that enables synchronous http(s) requests using SQL functions.

This component extends MySQL with http/curl support and installs two http request UDFs:

  1. http_request(METHOD, URL, BODY, HEADERS, CURL_OPTIONS) : sends http requests
  2. http_request_nowait(METHOD, URL, BODY, HEADERS, CURL_OPTIONS) : sends http request but does not wait for response nor fail on timeout

Tested only in 8.0.34 and 8.1.0 so far.


First download component_httpclient.so and place it in mysql plugin directory (/usr/lib/mysql/plugin) then connect to mysql.

# install component and grant required privilege
mysql> INSTALL COMPONENT "file://component_httpclient";
mysql> GRANT HTTP_CLIENT ON *.* TO root@localhost;

# example basic get request
mysql> SELECT http_request('GET', 'https://dummyjson.com/products?limit=1') AS response;
mysql> SELECT http_request('POST', 'https://httpbin.org/anything', 'param1=value1&param2=value2') AS response;
mysql> SELECT http_request('POST', 'https://httpbin.org/anything', '{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2"}', '{"Content-Type":"application/json"}') AS response;
mysql> SELECT http_request('POST', 'https://httpbin.org/anything', '{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2"}', '{"Content-Type":"application/json"}', '{"CURLOPT_AUTHORIZATION":"Bearer XXX"}') AS response;

# example using json parser
mysql> SELECT JSON_VALUE(http_request('GET', 'https://dummyjson.com/products?limit=1'), '$.products[0].description') AS response;

# example with json table
mysql> SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(http_request('GET', 'https://dummyjson.com/products?limit=10'), '$.products[*]' COLUMNS(rowIndex FOR ORDINALITY, id INT PATH '$.id', title VARCHAR(100) PATH '$.title')) AS response;

# example fire and forget (no timeout error)
mysql> SELECT http_request_nowait('POST', 'https://httpbin.org/anything', 'param1=value1&param2=value2') AS response;

# time spent in http requests
mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE '%httpclient%';

Building From Source


# debian, ubuntu etc.
sudo apt install cmake clang bison libbison-dev libncurses5-dev

# osx
brew install bison ncurses curl cmake clang

# download mysql-server source code
git clone --single-branch --branch=8.1.0 https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server


# first, place the repository in correct location
mv httpclient mysql-server/components/

# build mysql server for once
cd mysql-server
cmake .. -DDOWNLOAD_BOOST=1 -DWITH_BOOST=../downloads
make -j 4

# build httpclient component once and everytime it is modified
# built component file is located in BIN-DEBUG/plugin_output_directory/component_httpclient.so
cd mysql-server/BIN-DEBUG
make component_httpclient


# start mysql test server in one terminal
cd mysql-server/BIN-DEBUG/mysql-test
perl mtr --mem --start

# connect to mysql test server in a second terminal
# $SOCKET_NAME is printed by previous command
mysql -uroot -S $SOCKET_NAME


There is still room for improvement. Feel free to write an issue, fork the repo and send a pull request.

Some improvements could be:

  • Store each request meta data and response status in a performance_schema table with a ttl.
  • Add async (non-blocking) support similar to pg_net