
Clean architecture using MVVM

Consists of Presentation, Domain and Data layers. Coroutines and Android Clean Architecture used through these three layers

Technologies that I used:

  • ✅ Kotlin
  • ✅ MVVM & Clean Architecture
  • ✅ Jetpack Compose
  • ✅ Coroutines
  • ✅ Dagger
  • ✅ Hilt
  • ✅ Retrofit
  • ✅ Use Cases
  • ✅ Unit Tests
  • Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.0.2
  • Gradle Version 7.3.3
  • Gradle JDK Java 11.0.15

Functionalities that I added:

  • ✅ Home page with car dealers lists
  • ✅ Search & filter on car dealers lists
  • ✅ Car Dealer Details page including its information
