Data Design Exercise

Designing a database schema using normalization techniques.


Using the non-normalized data in the BlogPost table below, create a database schema that will represent the same data in 3rd Normal Form.

Blog Posts

Slug Title Body AuthorName AuthorEmail AuthorBio Category1 Category2 Tags Views
serilog-structured-logging Structured Logging with Serilog Long Text Here Eric Fleming Long Text Here Software Development Cloud Computing logging,serilog,appinsights 123
persisting-smart-enum Persisting a Smart Enum with EF Core Long Text Here Kyle McMaster Long Text Here Software Development null smartenum,efcore 234
localization-aspnet-core-apis Localization in ASP.NET Core APIs Long Text Here Steve Smith Long Text Here Software Development Web APIs localization,aspnetcore,web-api 345

Table Generated with

Fork this repository and add your tables here:

(your tables go here - you can use TableGenerator to create them. Include the data from the sample above in your tables)

Blog Table

Id Slug Title Body Views
1 serilog-structured-logging Structured Logging with Serilog Long Text Here 123
2 persisting-smart-enum Persisting a Smart Enum with EF Core Long Text Here 234
3 localization-aspnet-core-apis Localization in ASP.NET Core APIs Long Text Here 345

Author Table

Id AuthorName AuthorEmail AuthorBio Blog_Id
1 Eric Fleming Long Text Here 1
2 Kyle McMaster Long Text Here 2
3 Steve Smith Long Text Here 3

Category Table

Id Category Blog_Id
1 Software Development 1
2 Software Development 2
3 Cloud Computing 1
4 Web APIs 3


Id Name
1 logging
2 serilog
3 appinsights
4 smartenum
5 efcore
6 localization
7 aspnetcore
8 web-api

Tag Map

Id Blog_Id Tag_Id
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 4
5 2 5
6 3 6
7 3 7
8 3 8

Extra Credit

Once you've completed the initial exercise, modify your design to support these additional features:

  1. Blog posts can have one or many authors.
  2. Users would like to see a report showing views per blog post per day.
  3. Blog posts can have Comments. Each Comment should include a Title, Commenter Name, and Body.