- 1
Net 9 Rendering Problem
#558 opened by Manmohabe - 0
Add null-safety identifier in SmartEnum.TryFromValue(TValue value, out ...)
#559 opened by ragilhadwr - 5
ConfigureSmartEnum not working
#554 opened - 1
Support for a default enum value?
#508 opened by ChapterSevenSeeds - 8
NET 9 Webassembly problem
#556 opened by dzambo2302 - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
NativeAOT and trimming support
#537 opened by tompipe - 2
Add Guard fro SmartEnum Out of Range
#528 opened by MarkLFT - 1
Recommended way to force varchar / unicode=false on SmartEnum properties with EFCore
#375 opened by KennethScott - 2
Using with FastEndpoints
#535 opened by MarkLFT - 0
Json Serializer
#520 opened by Snamnik - 7
- 3
Avoid creating a new list on SmartEnum.List
#521 opened by fiseni - 0
Use canonical null checks.
#519 opened by fiseni - 1
Revert PR 412 and remove support for null values.
#512 opened by fiseni - 1
Add support for NRT
#511 opened by fiseni - 2
Add a way to enumerate over the List to prevent allocation every time List is called
#494 opened by akarboush - 2
Are you open to a PR for a nullable `Name`?
#490 opened by pdevito3 - 1
ushort error in SmartFlagEnumValueConverter
#449 opened by Akopyan12 - 2
SmartEnumStringComparer not included in 7.0.0 version
#436 opened by cybul26 - 3
How do i use this with NSwag / fast endpoints ?
#397 opened by essuraj - 5
Need simple method to get single int value from existing IEnumerable<MyFlagEnum>.
#409 opened by VictorioBerra - 1
Not compatible with .Net 6
#407 opened by dev-fJ-del - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Add Description attribute
#459 opened by Elencon - 3
Please Release Version for .NET 8.0
#462 opened by Elencon - 5
- 3
SmartEnum binding to [FromQuery] parameters
#410 opened by laska-u - 1
Case Insensitive String Enum
#402 opened by gigi81 - 0
Ordering the values
#411 opened by pauldbentley - 0
Loading SmartEnum from Entity Framework without specifying it as a static property
#405 opened by JKamue - 0
Enable Discussions for repo
#403 opened by VictorioBerra - 0
README Example does not compile
#401 opened by VictorioBerra - 3
EF Core 7 InMemory - Throwing System.ArgumentException with any query involving a SmartEnum
#400 opened by jbaconCCG - 3
How to persist SmartFlagEnum in EF Core
#379 opened by zyofeng - 1
Deserialization of appsettings.json via ConfigurationBuilder doesn't work
#399 opened by gianni-imburse - 2
- 0
Methods FromName() and TryFromName() for SmartFlagEnum do not work with ignore case at true
#396 opened by Romuald-Szymanski - 3
- 0
Could not override SmartEnum.Value
#388 opened by claymore147 - 0
GetFlagEnumValues is not safe to use
#387 opened by sm-g - 1
- 0
Add source generator
#355 opened by aljaff94 - 0
- 0
EF Core 7 CosmosDb - Using entity with SmartEnum property causes EF Core to create entries in another container
#338 opened by nhwilly