
An AngularJS WYSIWYG directive that multiple instances and two-way data-binding.

Angular WYSIWYG directive.

![Awesome Shot] (https://raw.github.com/TerryMooreII/angular-wysiwyg/master/screenshots/screenshot.png)

Required dependancies

Install each dependancy to your AngularJS project.

Add 'wysiwyg.module' to your main angular.module like so

angular.module('myapp', ['myApp.controllers', 'myApp.services', 'wysiwyg.module']);


<wysiwyg textarea-id="question" textarea-class="form-control"  textarea-height="80px" textarea-name="textareaQuestion" textarea-required ng-model="yourModel.model" enable-bootstrap-title="true"></wysiwyg>


Option Description
ng-model REQUIRED - The angular data model
textarea-id The id to assign to the editable div
textarea-class The class(es) to assign to the the editable div
textarea-height If the height is not specified in a text-area class then the hight of the editable div (default: 80px)
textarea-name The name attribute of the editable div
textarea-required True/False HTML/AngularJS required validation
enable-bootstrap-title True/False whether or not to show the button hover title styled with bootstrap