
:round_pushpin: An automation that pulls data from PokeApi with REST API and sends pokemon features in pdf format to the desired email address

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



An automation that pulls the data from Poke API with REST API service and sends Pokemon features, abilities in PDF format to the desired email address. In this project, it is aimed to automate the given task as much as possible. While creating the project architecture, it was deemed appropriate to establish scalability, dynamism and a class-based (OOP) structure. In this way, it can be applied, changed and developed in different jobs.

Mostly used libraries
  • requests
  • pdfkit
  • jinja2
  • smtplib

Folder Structure

├─ outputs/             # All outputs store in that folder
├─ utils/
│  ├─ poke.py           # Data Handler
│  ├─ forward.py        # Email Handler
├─ helper/
│  ├─ logger.py         # Logging Config
│  ├─ text_helper.py    # Text Helper
│  ├─ tools.py          # Required functions
├─ models/
│  ├─ sender.py         # Email Content Model
├─ templates/
│  ├─ pokemon.html      # Default Render
├─ .gitignore
├─ record.log
├─ README.md