
Mt-KaHyPar (Multi-Threaded Karlsruhe Hypergraph Partitioner) is a shared-memory multilevel hypergraph partitioner equipped with parallel implementations of techniques employed in most sequential state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioners. Mt-KaHyPar can partition extremely large hypergraphs very fast and with high quality.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Mt-KaHyPar - Multi-Threaded Karlsruhe Hypergraph Partitioner

License Linux Build Code Coverage Code Quality
License: GPL v3 Build Status codecov Language grade: C/C++

What is a Hypergraph? What is Hypergraph Partitioning?

Hypergraphs are a generalization of graphs, where each (hyper)edge (also called net) can connect more than two vertices. The k-way hypergraph partitioning problem is the generalization of the well-known graph partitioning problem: partition the vertex set into k disjoint blocks of bounded size (at most 1 + ε times the average block size), while minimizing an objective function defined on the nets.

The two most prominent objective functions are the cut-net and the connectivity (or λ − 1) metrics. Cut-net is a straightforward generalization of the edge-cut objective in graph partitioning (i.e., minimizing the sum of the weights of those nets that connect more than one block). The connectivity metric additionally takes into account the actual number λ of blocks connected by a net. By summing the (λ − 1)-values of all nets, one accurately models the total communication volume of parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication and once more gets a metric that reverts to edge-cut for plain graphs.

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What is Mt-KaHyPar?

Mt-KaHyPar is a shared-memory multilevel hypergraph partitioning framework for optimizing the (λ − 1)-metric. As a multilevel algorithm, it consist of three phases: In the coarsening phase, the hypergraph is coarsened to obtain a hierarchy of smaller hypergraphs. After applying an initial partitioning algorithm to the smallest hypergraph in the second phase, coarsening is undone and, at each level, several local search methods are used to improve the partition induced by the coarser level. Additionally, we use a hypergraph clustering algorithm as preprocessing to restrict contractions to densely coupled regions during coarsening.

The Mt-KaHyPar framework provides two hypergraph partitioners and a graph partitioner:

  • Mt-KaHyPar-D: A scalable partitioner that computes good partitions very fast (for hypergraphs)
  • Mt-KaHyPar-Graph: A scalable partitioner that computes good partitions very fast (for graphs)
  • Mt-KaHyPar-Q: A scalable partitioner that computes high-quality partitions


The Multi-Threaded Karlsruhe Hypergraph Partitioning Framework requires:

The following command will install most of the required dependencies on a Ubuntu machine:

sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev libnuma-dev numactl libhwloc-dev moreutils linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic libtbb-dev

Note that Mt-KaHyPar is not compatible with newer versions of TBB (OneTBB). However, you can add the flag -DKAHYPAR_USE_COMPATIBLE_TBB_VERSION=ON to the cmake build command. This downloads a compatible TBB version and automically links Mt-KaHyPar against it.

Building Mt-KaHyPar

  1. Clone the repository including submodules:

    git clone --depth=1 --recursive git@github.com:kahypar/mt-kahypar.git

  2. Create a build directory: mkdir build && cd build

  3. Run cmake: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE

  4. Run make: make MtKaHyPar -j

The build produces five executables, which will be located in build/mt-kahypar/application/:

  • MtKaHyParDefault and MtKaHyParGraph (Mt-KaHyPar-D): computes good partitions very fast
  • MtKaHyPar(Graph)Quality (Mt-KaHyPar-Q): computes high-quality partitions in reasonable time (using n levels)
  • MtKaHyPar: wrapper around the five binaries

Note that MtKaHyParGraph and MtKaHyParGraphQuality uses the same feature set as MtKaHyParDefault and MtKaHyParQuality. However, they replace the internal hypergraph data structure of with a graph data structure. In fact, both are a factor of 2 faster for graphs on average.

Running Mt-KaHyPar

Mt-KaHyPar has several configuration parameters. We recommend to use one of our presets (also located in the config folder):

  • default: default parameters for Mt-KaHyPar-D/-Graph (config/default_preset.ini)
  • default_flows: extends the default preset with flow-based refinement (config/default_flow_preset.ini)
  • deterministic: parameters to make Mt-KaHyPar-D deterministic (config/deterministic_preset.ini)
  • quality: default parameters for Mt-KaHyPar-Q (config/quality_preset.ini)
  • quality_flows: extends the quality preset with flow-based refinement (config/quality_flow_preset.ini)

The presets can be ranked from lowest to the highest quality as follows: deterministic, default, quality, default_flows and quality_flows. Deterministic mode is only supported for Mt-KaHyPar-D, not -Graph or -Q. If you want to change parameters manually, please run --help for a detailed description of the different program options. We use the hMetis format for hypergraph files as well as the partition output file and the Metis format for graph files. Per default, we expect the input to be in hMetis format, but you can read graphs in Metis format via command line parameter --input-file-format=metis.

To run Mt-KaHyPar, you can use the following command:

./MtKaHyPar -h <path-to-hgr> --preset-type=<deterministic/default/default_flows/quality/quality_flows> --instance_type=<hypergraph/graph> -t <# threads> -k <# blocks> -e <imbalance (e.g. 0.03)> -o km1 -m direct

or directly provide a configuration file (see config folder):

./MtKaHyPar -h <path-to-hgr> -p <path-to-config-file> -t <# threads> -k <# blocks> -e <imbalance (e.g. 0.03)> -o km1 -m direct

Note that when --instance-type=graph is set, we run Mt-KaHyPar-Graph (only available for preset types default and default_flows), otherwise Mt-KaHyPar-D or -Q based on the preset type. The partition output file will be placed in the same folder as the input hypergraph file. If you want to change the default partition output folder, add the command line parameter --partition-output-folder=path/to/folder. There is also an option to disable writing the partition file --write-partition-file=false. Further, there are several useful options that can provide you with additional insights during and after the partitioning process:

  • --show-detailed-timings=true: Shows detailed subtimings of each multilevel phase at the end of the partitioning process
  • --show-memory-consumption=true: Gives detailed information on how much memory was allocated and how memory is reused throughout the algorithm
  • --enable-progress-bar=true: Shows a progess bar during the coarsening and refinement phase

Mt-KaHyPar uses 32-bit vertex and hyperedge IDs. If you want to partition hypergraphs with more than 4.294.967.295 vertices or hyperedges, add option -DKAHYPAR_USE_64_BIT_IDS=ON to the cmake build command.


We have summarized our experimental results on an external webpage. The resource provides a detailed overview of Mt-KaHyPar's performance compared to other prominent state-of-the-art systems in terms of running time and quality.

Using the Library Interfaces

We provide a simple C-style interface to use Mt-KaHyPar as a library. The library can be built and installed via

make install.mtkahypar # use sudo to install system-wide

Note: When installing locally, the build will exit with an error due to missing permissions. However, the library is still built successfully and is available in the build folder.

The library interface can be found in include/libmtkahypar.h with a detailed documentation of its functionality. We also provide several examples in the folder lib/examples that show how to use the library.

Here is a short example how you can partition a hypergraph using our library interface:

#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

#include <libmtkahypar.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  // Initialize thread pool
    std::thread::hardware_concurrency() /* use all available cores */,
    true /* activate interleaved NUMA allocation policy */ );

  // Setup partitioning context
  mt_kahypar_context_t* context = mt_kahypar_context_new();
  mt_kahypar_load_preset(context, SPEED /* corresponds to MT-KaHyPar-D */);
  // In the following, we partition a hypergraph into two blocks
  // with an allowed imbalance of 3% and optimize the connective metric (KM1)
    2 /* number of blocks */, 0.03 /* imbalance parameter */,
    KM1 /* objective function */, 42 /* seed */);
  // Enable logging
  mt_kahypar_set_context_parameter(context, VERBOSE, "1");

  // Load Hypergraph
  mt_kahypar_hypergraph_t* hypergraph =
      "path/to/hypergraph/file", context, HMETIS /* file format */);

  // Partition Hypergraph
  mt_kahypar_partitioned_hypergraph_t* partitioned_hg =
    mt_kahypar_partition_hypergraph(hypergraph, context);

  // Extract Partition
  std::unique_ptr<mt_kahypar_partition_id_t[]> partition =
  mt_kahypar_get_hypergraph_partition(partitioned_hg, partition.get());

  // Extract Block Weights
  std::unique_ptr<mt_kahypar_hypernode_weight_t[]> block_weights =
  mt_kahypar_get_hypergraph_block_weights(partitioned_hg, block_weights.get());

  // Compute Metrics
  const double imbalance = mt_kahypar_hypergraph_imbalance(partitioned_hg, context);
  const double km1 = mt_kahypar_km1(partitioned_hg);

  // Output Results
  std::cout << "Partitioning Results:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Imbalance         = " << imbalance << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Km1               = " << km1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Weight of Block 0 = " << block_weights[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Weight of Block 1 = " << block_weights[1] << std::endl;


To compile the program using g++ run:

g++ -std=c++17 -DNDEBUG -O3 your_program.cc -o your_program -lmtkahypar

To execute the binary, you need to ensure that the installation directory (probably /usr/local/lib for system-wide installation) is included in the dynamic library path. The path can be updated with:


To remove the library from your system use the provided uninstall target:

make uninstall-mtkahypar

Bug Reports

We encourage you to report any problems with Mt-KaHyPar via the github issue tracking system of the project.


Mt-KaHyPar is a free software provided under the MIT License. For more information see the LICENSE file. We distribute this framework freely to foster the use and development of hypergraph partitioning tools. If you use Mt-KaHyPar in an academic setting please cite the appropriate papers.

// Mt-KaHyPar-D
  title     = {Scalable Shared-Memory Hypergraph Partitioning},
  author    = {Gottesbüren, Lars and
               Heuer, Tobias and
               Sanders, Peter and
               Schlag, Sebastian},
  booktitle = {23rd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX 2021)},
  pages     = {16--30},
  year      = {2021},
  publisher = {SIAM},
  doi       = {10.1137/1.9781611976472.2},

// Mt-KaHyPar-Q
  title     = {Shared-Memory $n$-level Hypergraph Partitioning},
  author    = {Lars Gottesb{\"{u}}ren and
               Tobias Heuer and
               Peter Sanders and
               Sebastian Schlag},
  booktitle = {24th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX 2022)},
  year      = {2022},
  publisher = {SIAM},
  month     = {01},
  doi       = {10.1137/1.9781611977042.11}

// Mt-KaHyPar-Q-F
  title       =	{Parallel Flow-Based Hypergraph Partitioning},
  author      =	{Lars Gottesb\"{u}ren and
                 Tobias Heuer and
                 Peter Sanders},
  booktitle   =	{20th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2022)},
  pages       =	{5:1--5:21},
  year        =	{2022},
  volume      =	{233},
  publisher   =	{Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik},
  doi         =	{10.4230/LIPIcs.SEA.2022.5}

// Deterministic Partitioning (Technical Report)
  title       = {Deterministic Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning},
  author      = {Lars Gottesbüren and
                 Michael Hamann},
  institution = {Karlsruhe Institute of Technology},
  year        = {2021},
  url         = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.12704.pdf}


If you are interested in contributing to the Mt-KaHyPar framework feel free to contact us or create an issue on the issue tracking system.