
after runnig react example I get ReferenceError: Package is not defined

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Steps to reproduce:
go into examples react
run meteor npm install
run meteor

I need more details such as;

  • Where do you get this error?
    -- If it is browser; which browser are you working on?
    -- If it is server; what is your Operating System?
  • What is the whole stack of this error?

in browsers console firefox it disappears after few refresh or restart I didn't check on chrome

It seems it only appears on firefox and the error is fixed after few hit on refresh button & pops up unexpectedly any ideas?

When HMR is enabled, Meteor will load Webpack's client bundle asynchronously; this is a known problem that I'm still working on; the same situation exists in server as well.
I recommend you to disable HMR or use chrome until we fix it.

jself commented

I believe that I've actually received this error on chrome with HMR disabled. I removed the HotModuleReplacement plugin, disabled the plugin in babelrc, removed the react-hot-loader from the code, and removed hot:true from the devServer config.


jself commented

I think that my error above was actually from trying to use the webpack dev server instead of meteor. While I'm still having issues with meteor, I think that the above was fixed by using "meteor run"

That's normal, because Meteor loads its bundle independently from Webpack's.
I'm closing this issue, then.