Helper packages to create platform agnostic applications and libraries without worrying about the lack of WHATWG support in Node.js
Pinned issues
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Project Roadmap
#1316 opened by theguild-bot - 0
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Null header value results in page crash
#1781 opened by subhan-nadeem - 0
Avoid forcing TS DOM library
#1746 opened by CarsonF - 0
Getting socket remote (ip) address
#1693 opened by dodas - 1
[whatwg-node/server] Support for Next 13 API routes
#803 opened by thgh - 4
- 1
- 3
PonyfillBlob and nestjs class transformer package
#1337 opened by kanopa - 1
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ReadableStream response terminates early...
#1087 opened by f5io - 3
TypeScript 5.5: implement AbortSignal.any
#1397 opened by benasher44 - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#1257 opened by renovate - 3
Support `exactOptionalPropertyTypes` (tsc)
#391 opened by connorjs - 2
Allow to pass a function for CORS allowed origin
#1189 opened by EmrysMyrddin - 2
Server handler for uWebSockets.js hangs on await request.json() or await request.text()
#1141 opened by aarne - 3
Fastify support not working as expected
#1029 opened by mechanical-turk - 4
- 2
Failed to construct 'Request': 'signal' of 'RequestInit' (Argument 2) is not of type AbortSignal.
#858 opened by mfulton26 - 0
Initatiating PonyfillRequest with another PonyfillRequest misses properties in the constructor
#1109 opened by dac09 - 2
(node:56052) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
#968 opened by timsuchanek - 1
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Null value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin
#975 opened by ToyB0x - 4
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Allow to not pre-buffer content
#821 opened by Arno500 - 1
LICENSE is missing
#848 opened by RobinKamps - 2
Does async/await really needed in CookieStore?
#822 opened by j0k3r - 0
Missing QueryParams when using uwebsockets.js
#783 opened by vinaypuppal - 1
Missing `.js` extension
#726 opened by GauBen - 1
CORS Preflight requests aren't resolving
#703 opened by jtoar - 1
Samesite is not being respected
#677 opened by Negan1911 - 0
HTTP/2 support
#568 opened by enisdenjo - 2
Issue with graphql-yoga@4.0.3
#650 opened by j0k3r - 1
Date object in expires property is allowed by the declaration but ignored by getCookieString
#638 opened by LiamMartens - 18
Two Cookies
#603 opened by enri90 - 0
[server-plugin-cookies] Add tests with puppeeter to check the browser's behavior
#619 opened by ardatan - 3
Header name must be a valid HTTP token
#604 opened by GauBen - 1
- 9
Invalid value "undefined" for header "set-cookie"
#509 opened by enri90 - 0
Add the reasons why `@whatwg-node/fetch` should be used in README for the new Blob, URL and URLSearchParams
#337 opened by ardatan - 0
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Instanceof check too narrow for files
#303 opened by caseykwok-crypto - 0
#169 opened by ardatan - 0
@whatwg-node/server@0.4.17" has incorrect peer dependency "@types/node@^18.0.6"
#197 opened by paales - 1
consumeStreamAsFile fails with large files
#155 opened by alexlag - 3
Wrong node version for globalThis.Request
#99 opened by thebartekbanach