
HTML5 Canvas wrapper adding methods to access current transform matrix and drawing path.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


wrapper around canvas 2d context adding methods to access current transform matrix and drawing path. Handful mostly in generative graphic, creative coding etc.

License: MIT.


  • applyTo(context) - applies memory context on top of canvas context
  • getCurrentCoords() - returns current drawing position with applied tranforms
  • getCurrentOrigin() - returns position of 0, 0 with applied transforms
  • getPointInCurrentMatrix(x, y) - returns position of x, y with applied transforms
  • getTransform() - returns transform as array [m11, m12, m21, m22, x, y] (opposite of native setTransform())


// init
var canvas = document.querySelector('#test_canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var memctx = new CanvasMemory().applyTo(ctx);

// some standard canvas drawing methods
memctx.moveTo(10, 10);
memctx.lineTo(20, 20);

memctx.getPointInCurrentMatrix(5, 5);

See also example.html


  • support createLinearGradient & createRadianGradient
  • check if some methods/props are missing
  • test, test, test. jsperf benchmarks.

Note: As it basically delegates each operation while duplicating some of the matrix calculations in the background, it's probably quite expensive. You should use it only if you really need to.