1. Copy files from repository to ./themes/SyliusDemoFrontendHexa

  2. Install Encore (Only for sylius <1.12)

composer require encore
  1. Install node dependencies
yarn add @symfony/webpack-encore sass-loader@^13.0.0 node-sass -D
yarn add lodash.throttle -D
yarn add bootstrap@^4.5.0 bootstrap.native@^3.0.0 glightbox axios form-serialize @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons popper.js
yarn add @popperjs/core
  1. Import bootstrap-theme config in the main webpack file
# ./webpack.config.js

+ const ardeeBootstrapHexa = require('./themes/SyliusDemoFrontendHexa/webpack.config');

- module.exports = [shopConfig, adminConfig, appShopConfig, appAdminConfig];
+ module.exports = [shopConfig, adminConfig, appShopConfig, appAdminConfig, ardeeBootstrapHexa];

For sylius 1.11 and 1.12 change output paths

# ./webpack.config.js
// Shop config
-  .setOutputPath('public/build/shop/')
-  .setPublicPath('/build/shop')
-  .addEntry('shop-entry', './vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/private/entry.js')
+  .setOutputPath('public/ardee-bootstrap-hexa')
+  .setPublicPath('/ardee-bootstrap-hexa')
+  .addEntry('app', './themes/SyliusDemoFrontendHexa/assets/app.js')
  1. Edit project config files
# ./config/packages/assets.yaml

+            ardeeBootstrapHexa:
+                json_manifest_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/ardee-bootstrap-hexa/manifest.json'
# ./config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml

    output_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/build'
+        ardeeBootstrapHexa: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/ardee-bootstrap-hexa'
# ./config/packages/_sylius.yaml
+    legacy_mode: true # for sylius 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
  1. To build the assets, run one of the following commands
# compile assets once
yarn encore dev

# recompile assets automatically when files change
yarn encore dev --watch

# recompile assets automatically with live reload
yarn encore dev-server

# create a production build
yarn encore production

In Sylius 1.12 you can use predefined commands

# compile assets once
yarn build

# recompile assets automatically when files change
yarn watch
  1. Change theme in the admin panel by visiting the Edit Channel page