
A command to pull down notifications from your Twilio log and output them to STDERR.

Twilio Notifier

by Jason Ardell

A command to pull down notifications from your Twilio log and email them to you.

Command line usage: -e, --email: The email address that you want notifications sent to. -s, --account-sid: Your Account SID (from your Twilio account) -t, --auth-token: Your Auth Token (from your Twilio account)

I recommend you add it as a command to your crontab... twilio-notifier --account-sid AC1234567890FOOBAR1234567890 --auth-token 9876543210BAZ9876543210 2>&1 | mail -s 'Twilio Errors' my.email@example.com


I highly recommend installing via pearfarm: pear install channel://ardell.pearfarm.org/twilioNotifier


PHP 5+ CLImax--installing via pearfarm will install this for you. (https://github.com/apinstein/climax)




  • Perhaps support a callback for what to do on each error? That way people could have SMSs sent to them, or do custom error handling.


Thanks to Alan Pinstein for CLImax which made it super simple to write a command-line app in PHP, and for Pearfarm which made it easy for you to install twilio-notifier.