A non-profit web and android application that allow users to solve a range of subjects to earn revenue from ads and donate to a selected charity of choice.
1. Safari
2. Chrome
3. Firefox - Not yet tested
P.S (Revenue generated from ads will not be kept by Users or the E4R team, it will go to the user's charity of choice)
- Go to or http://ec2-52-40-134-152.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
- Register
- Login
- Set up Profile
- Select a Charity
- Solve questions
- Donate!!!
Be a good person, or just kind at heart.
If not, You'll be a good person once you use this application. (:
Jira - Proprietary issue tracking product
Node.js - Server framework
Xamarin - Android Developement
AWS - Cloud services
Kubernetes - Scheduling and Management
Kops - Kubernetes Operations
Google Adsense - Revenue Generator(For donations)
Bamboo - Deployment Management
React - Javascript library for UI
Redux - State management library
Wamp - Current web hosting for testing
Confluence - Collaborations application
REST API - Application Programming Interface(HTTP Protocols Using Express.js)
- Shaun Rasmusen (Backend) - (https://github.com/ardentras)
- Jimmy Atkinson (Xamarin) - (https://github.com/ymmijx)
- Jacob Chesley (Xamarin) - (https://github.com/TieRein)
- Kelcey Stauffer (Xamarin) - (https://github.com/kelceystauffer)
- Kevin Xu (Web) - (https://github.com/kevinjiaxu96)