
This is a simple Vagrant setup to spin up a CentOS 7 VM with Docker, Python, Nginx and Ruby running on it

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple Vagrant setup to spin up a CentOS 7 VM with Docker, Python, Nginx and Ruby running on it.



  1. Vagrant (VM lifecycle manager)
  2. Virtualbox

Running VM

Assuming vagrant is up and running (try vagrant -v), run:

$ vagrant up

This will go through Vagrantfile and setup the VM. The current file installs CentOs7 with the following packages:

  • Nginx
  • Ruby
  • Python 3
  • Docker and Docker compose (Use DOCKER_USER and DOCKER_PASSWORD env vars to login to Docker hub)
  • Vim
  • A test web service using Python's FastAPI and a systemd unit to run it on boot

Also if you want to have a convinient way of logging in to vm from the host command line add this to your shell profile:

alias linux="pushd path-to-this-repo > /dev/null && ./login; popd > /dev/null"

and then you can use linux as a command to login.