
API to query Pylontech Batteries as well as writing Battery data to InfluxDB (V1/V2) or other influxdb2 line protocol compatible software (e.g. telegraf or questdb)

This code provides:

  • a library to read data from Pylontech Batteries (tested with UC3000)
  • a CLI to query the batterie(s)
  • a program to write monitoring data to InfluxDB (pylon2influx)

Pylontech CLI

Usage: pylontech [OPTION]...
  -h, --help         display help and exit
  -d, --device       specify device, default: /dev/ttyUSB1
  -b, --baud         specify serial baudrate, default: 115200
  -a, --adr          Pylontech device address (1-12)
  -g, --group        Pylontech group address (0-15)
  -s, --scan         Scan for devices at address 1 to 255
  -y, --systemparam  Show system parameter
  -l, --alarm        Show alarm information
  -S, --serial       Show system serial number
  -P, --packdata     Show analog data
  -c, --charge       Show charge / discharge info
  -m, --manufact     Show manufacturer information
  -v, --verbose[=x]  increase verbose level


Usage: pylon2influx [OPTION]...
  -h, --help            display help and exit
  -d, --device          specify device (/dev/ttyUSB_pylontech)
  -b, --baud            specify serial baudrate (115200)
  -g, --group           Pylontech group address (0-15)
  -s, --server          influxdb server name or ip
  -p, --port            influxdb port (8086)
  -n, --db              database name
  -u, --user            influxdb user name
  -u, --password        influxdb password
  -B, --bucket          influxdb v2 bucket
  -O, --org             influxdb v2 org
  -T, --token           influxdb v2 auth api token
  -A, --influxapi       api string for influx, replaces db..token
  -I, --isslverifypeer  0: do not check ssl certificate, 1=check
  -c, --cache           #entries for influxdb cache (240)
  -v, --verbose[=x]     increase verbose level
  -y, --syslog          log to syslog insead of stderr
  -Y, --syslogtest      send a testtext to syslog and exit
  -e, --version         show version
  -q, --query           query interval in seconds (5)
  -t, --try             try to connect returns 0 on success

The cache will be used in case the influxdb server is down. In
that case data will be send when the server is reachable again.

In case you are not using influxdb, the api path can be specified via --influxapi=, e.g.


ssl will be used if https:// is the prefix of the specified hostname.

Pylontech API

/ allocate and initialize api handle
PYL_HandleT* pyl_initHandle();

// free api handle and close serial port if open
void pyl_freeHandle(PYL_HandleT* pyl);

// sets the group and scans for devices in group, returns number of devices found
int pyl_setGroup (PYL_HandleT* pyl, int groupNum);

// closes the serial port, e.g. in case of errors. It will be reopened automatically on request
void pyl_closeSerialPort(PYL_HandleT* pyl);
int pyl_openSerialPort(PYL_HandleT* pyl);

// open the serial port and query the number of devices, first device is at group num +2, first group is 0
// returns -1 on failure opening the serial port or the number of devices found
int pyl_connect(PYL_HandleT* pyl, int groupNum, char *portname);

// set device address in group, first device is 1
void pyl_setAdr(PYL_HandleT* pyl, int Adr);

int pyl_numDevices(PYL_HandleT* pyl);

// get data from selected in device in selected group
int pyl_getProtocolVersion (PYL_HandleT* pyl);
int pyl_getAnalogData (PYL_HandleT* pyl, PYL_AnalogDataT *pd);
int pyl_getSystemParameter (PYL_HandleT* pyl, PYL_SystemParameterT *sp);
int pyl_getManufacturerInformation (PYL_HandleT* pyl, PYL_ManufacturerInformationT *mi);
int pyl_getSerialNumber (PYL_HandleT* pyl, PYL_SerialNumberT *mi);
int pyl_getAlarmInfo (PYL_HandleT* pyl, PYL_AlarmInfoT *ai);
int pyl_getChargeDischargeInfo (PYL_HandleT* pyl, PYL_ChargeDischargeInfoT *cd);

and the structs:

typedef struct {
	struct termios ti_save;		// this termios will be restored on exit
	struct termios ti;			// this is our new termios, store it here to check termios will be restored on exit
	char * portname;			// need to be free'ed
	int adr;					// current device address, first device is 1 here
	int group;					// max 12 devices in one group, upper 4 bit of adr are group id, lower 4 are adr+1
	int serFd;					// fileno for serial port i/o
	int protocolVersion;
	int numDevicesFound;
	int initialized;			// 1 after initialization (modules scanned)
} PYL_HandleT;
typedef struct {
	char deviceName[11];
	int softwareVersion[2];
	char manufacturerName[21];
} PYL_ManufacturerInformationT;
typedef struct {
	int cellHighVoltageLimit;		// all fields 2 bytes
	int cellLowVoltageLimit;
	int cellUnderVoltageLimit;
	int chargeHighTemperatureLimit;
	int chargeLowTemperatureLimit;
	int chargeCurrentLimit;
	int moduleHighVoltageLimit;
	int moduleLowVoltageLimit;
	int moduleUnderVoltageLimit;
	int dischargeHighTemperatureLimit;
	int dischargeLowTemperatureLimit;
	int dischargeCurrentLimit;
} PYL_SystemParameterT;
typedef struct {
	char sn [18];
} PYL_SerialNumberT;
typedef struct {
	int infoflag;
	int commandValue;
	int cellsCount;
	int cellVoltage[CELLS_MAX];
	int tempCount;
	int temp[TEMPS_MAX];		// already converted to degree celsius
	int current;
	int voltage;
	int remainingCapacity;
	int userDefinedItemCount;
	int capacity;
	int cycleCount;
} PYL_AnalogDataT;
typedef struct {
	int dataFlag;
	int commandValue;
	int cellsCount;
	int cellVoltageStatus[CELLS_MAX];	// 0=ok, 1=below low limit, 2=above high limit. F0=other Error
	int tempCount;
	int tempStatus[TEMPS_MAX];
	int chargeCurrentStat;
	int moduleVoltageStat;
	int dischargeCurrentStat;
	int status[5];
} PYL_AlarmInfoT;
typedef struct {
	int commandValue;
	int chargeVoltageLimit;
	int dischargeVoltageLimit;
	int chargeCurrentLimit;
	int dischargeCurrentLimit;
	int chargeDischargeStatus;
} PYL_ChargeDischargeInfoT;