
Dropbox-like using Flask, gridFS & mongoDB

Primary LanguagePHP

How to use

  1. Run requirement installation sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. You need mongoDB to be installed and running.

  3. Create database on mongo a. In terminal, use command 'mongo' b. If u see '>', ure ready to query data c. First, show all db with command 'show dbs' d. Create your database with command 'use [ur_database_name]' Ex : use test e. Your database is ready to use

  4. I included a script (populateDB.py) that you can use to setup the DB with the user and password you want to test.

  5. Last, but not least: generally config.py file should not be shared because contains sensitive information, but in this case it's needed to make all work and it's not containing so much ;) Ex : At populateDB.py, collection = MongoClient()["blog"]["users"] And at config.py, DB_NAME = 'blog'

  6. Run a. First, run 'populateDB.py' to create your user b. Second, run 'run-dev.py' to run login flask

If you have any improvement or suggestion, please let me know!