
Overtime Calculation System - REST-API

Primary LanguagePHP

Overtime Calculation System - REST-API

There are 2 methods of calculating overtime used.

  • Salary / 173 {(salary / 173) * overtime_duration_total)
  • Fixed (10000 * overtime_duration_total)

If the first method is used, then all overtime wages from existing employees will be calculated using that method. Likewise if the chosen method is the second.

Especially for employees on a probationary period, overtime pay is calculated when the overtime duration is more than 1 hour. When more than 1 hour, what is counted is the duration after that 1 hour. However, it will not be counted if the duration after 1 hour has not reached 1 hour, this rule applies to multiples. Overtime duration for employees in this probationary period is calculated on each overtime performed, not from the accumulated overtime per month.

An example of the results of calculating employee overtime during a probationary period is as follows.

  • 2 hours overtime, then get 1 hour overtime pay
  • 2.5 hours overtime, then get 1 hour overtime pay
  • 1.5 hours overtime, so you don't get overtime pay
  • 3.9 hours of overtime, then you get 2 hours of overtime pay

API Reference

Change Settings data.

  PATCH /settings
Parameter Type Description
key string Can only be filled 'overtime_method'
value string Can only be filled by the value of references.id with criteria code = overtime_method

Creating Employee Data

  POST /employees
Parameter Type Description
name string unique Required. Name of Employee
status_id integer According to the one in references.id with criteria code = employee_status
salary integer min:2000000 max:10000000 Required. Salary of Employee

Display all Employees data with pagination format (default 10)

  GET /employees_per_page

Display Employees data with pagination format (page 1)

  GET /employees_page

Display all Employees data with pagination format (Order By Name ASC)

  GET /employees_order_by_name_asc

Display all Employees data with pagination format (Order By Name DESC)

  GET /employees_order_by_name_desc

Display all Employees data with pagination format (Order By Salary ASC)

  GET /employees_order_by_salary_asc

Display all Employees data with pagination format (Order By Salary DESC)

  GET /employees_order_by_salary_desc

Creating Overtime Data

  POST /overtimes
Parameter Type Description
employee_id integer According to the one in employees.id
date date unique Required Date of employee doing overtime
time_started time date_format:H:i before:time_ended Required. Start time employees do overtime
time_ended time date_format:H:i after:time_started Required. Ended time employees do overtime

Displays Overtimes data based on the specified time range

  GET /overtimes
Parameter Type Description
date_started date before:date_ended Required. Start time range
date_ended date after:date_started Required. Ended time range

Displays the calculation results of the Overtimes that exist for each Employee, based on the specified month

  GET /overtime-pays/calculate
Parameter Type Description
month date date_format:Y-m Required. Spesific Month

Tech Stack

Server: Laravel 8

Database: MySQL
