
Proof of concept smart contract that holds tokens until a specified block number.

Primary LanguageSolidity


Proof of concept smart contract that holds tokens until a specified block number.

Compile the smart contract creation bytecode and metadata using the helper scripts build.ps1 (PowerShell) or build.sh (bash). You must have solc installed.


  • Timelock.bin: the creation bytecode for this smart contract. Send a eth_sendTransaction request to any JSON-RPC with this bytecode as the data parameter to deploy this smart contract.
  • Timelock-input.json: a copy of input.json with the urls key replaced with a content key containing the raw source code inlined into the JSON. This file can be used to recompile the smart contract using automated tooling.
  • Timelock-metadata.json: the complete compiler settings, ABI, and source code for this smart contract. The IPFS hash for this file is encoded into the runtime bytecode. Pin this file to IPFS.


Use forge to test:

forge test