- Google Maps: http://scratch.andrewl.in/timezone-picker/example_site/gmaps_example.html
- OpenLayers: http://scratch.andrewl.in/timezone-picker/example_site/openlayers_example.html
- jQuery
- Google Maps Javascript API v3 or OpenLayers
See gmaps_example.html and openlayers_example.html
To use in your site, extract tz_json.tgz to a web-accessible location on your server and pass in the path as the jsonRootUrl option
- fillColor: the color of the fill of the rendered timezones (default '#ffcccc')
- fillOpacity: the opacity of the outline of rendered timezones (default 0.5)
- initialLat: the initial latitude for the center point of the map (default 0)
- initialLng: the initial longitude for the center point of the map (default 0)
- initialZoom: the initial zoom level of the map (1-20, default to 2, 1 is most zoomed out)
- jsonRootUrl: the default root URL for the JSON data files (default '/tz_json/')
- strokeColor: the color of the outline of rendered timezones (default '#ff0000')
- strokeWeight: the width of the outline of rendered timezones (default 2)
- strokeOpacity: the opacity of the outline of rendered timezones (default 0.7)
- onHover: callback when a timezone is hovered. Parameters: utcOffset (in minutes), tzNames (array of strings)
- onReady: callback when all the data files are loaded
- onSelected: callback when a timezone is selected via the infowindow. Parameters: olsonName, utcOffset (in minutes), tzName (eg. EST, GMT)
- useOpenLayers: use OpenLayers instead of Google maps
- showInfoWindow(htmlString): show an infoWindow for the current selected region. Takes an HTML string as a parameter
- hideInfoWindow(): hide it
- setDate(Date): set the "relative" date for the picker for proper timezone names (eg. EST vs EDT)
- selectZone(olsonName): programmatically select a timezone
- timezone-picker-infowindow: the main content container for the infowindow
- NOTE: if you are using Twitter Bootstrap and Google maps or OpenLayers, you may need something like
#zonepicker img {
max-width: none;
to prevent distortion of your map controls (thanks michaelahlers!)
You do not need to do all of the steps mentioned below if you're going to use tz_json.tgz
(the timezone data JSON files are in there already).
This plugin uses a bunch of timezone data files on a web server.
- bounding_boxes.json: an array of bounding boxes for each timezone (for hit testing)
- hover_regions.json: an array of polygons representing hover regions for each timezone
- polygons/*.json: polygon definitions for each timezone
- Python 2.6+
- libgeos-dev (sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev) (for Mac OS, install this: http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/)
- pip (sudo easy_install pip)
- shapely (sudo pip install shapely)
- pytz (sudo pip install pytz)
To Generate all timezone data JSON files
- Download and extract the tz_world file from http://efele.net/maps/tz/world/tz_world.zip
python script/gen_json.py <path-to-tz_world.shp> <output-dir>
- Be very patient...
- Thanks to Eric Muller for creating the timezone shape files (http://efele.net/maps/tz/world)
- Thanks to Zachary Forest Johnson for the shp file loading python scripts (http://indiemaps.com/blog/2008/03/easy-shapefile-loading-in-python/)