
android MVC example utilising android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModel

Primary LanguageJava


Reactive Programming paradigms and android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModel allow for the following changes to MVC on Android:

  • UI elements listen to a ViewModel and ONLY update themselves when something changes.
  • Controllers listen for UI interactions and update the ViewModel accordingly.
  • Controllers hold a reference to a ViewModel rather than a View
  • Controllers only ever respond to ui interactions, a UI can not ask the controller to do something.
                                Emit change
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  --------v--------          ----------------          ----------------
 |                 |        |                |        |                |
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 |     (Model)     | Listen |     (View)     |        |  (Controller)  |
 |    ViewModel    *--------|    Activity    |        |                |
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  -----------------          -------*--------          ----------------
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                                     Listen for UI interactions

Unit testing

The behaviour of the ViewModel can be easily tested, please see com.memtrip.mvmp.presenter.app.cake.CakeControllerTests.java