
🛎 A collection of all available versions of Arduino IDE that has CLI!

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Arduino Latest Version 🛎

Ever wonder which is the latest version of Arduino IDE currently released?
Now you can know it, programmatically!

Get the latest version number

You can know witch is the latest version of arduino available by hitting this URL:


Get all available versions downloadable

You can get the list of all available versions of arduino by hitting this URL:




$ curl https://arduino-cli.github.io/arduino-version/latest
$ curl https://arduino-cli.github.io/arduino-version/list


const request = require('request');
const latest_endpoint = 'https://arduino-cli.github.io/arduino-version/latest';
const list_endpoint = 'https://arduino-cli.github.io/arduino-version/list';

request(latest_endpoint, function (error, response, body) {
   if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
       console.log(body) // Shows the version on the console.

request(list_endpoint, function (error, response, body) {
   if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
       console.log(body.split(',')) // Shows the list on the console.

Arduino mirrors

Binaries of the Arduino IDE can be downloaded from the mirrors below:

win32 x64 https://github.com/arduino-cli/arduino-version/releases/download/VERSION/arduino-VERSION-windows.zip
darwin x64 https://github.com/arduino-cli/arduino-version/releases/download/VERSION/arduino-VERSION-macosx.zip
linux x32 https://github.com/arduino-cli/arduino-version/releases/download/VERSION/arduino-VERSION-linux32.zip
linux x64 https://github.com/arduino-cli/arduino-version/releases/download/VERSION/arduino-VERSION-linux64.zip
linux arm https://github.com/arduino-cli/arduino-version/releases/download/VERSION/arduino-VERSION-linuxarm.zip

Binaries for arm platforms are available only in those versions: 1.6.9-1.6.13 and >=1.8.0

Only versions >=1.8.0 pass tests on all OSs

Arduino download page

The latest version available can be verified here.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.