
How to add a supported board?

ssilverman opened this issue · 2 comments

What is the process for adding to the supported board list? I’d like to add Teensy support. Just so it’s clear: I’d be doing the work.

Note that Arduino_ConnectionHandler would be the place that’s likely to need the majority of changes.
See my rudimentary attempt here:

Update: I got everything building (with BearSSLClient, but there's no ECCX08 chip), but the "only" thing missing is a proper TLS client. That'll take some work to adapt something. This won't be quick, and it's just a side project that I may or may not get to.

If you haven't an ECCX08 chip you should follow the ESP32 path using username and password for mqtt authentication

_mqttClient.setUsernamePassword(getDeviceId(), _password);

The only thing you need to setup the TLS client are the root certificates and create your trust anchors:

static const char AIoTUPCert[] =