- 6
OPTA freezes after internet disconnection
#517 opened by DanielfArcos - 6
- 8
- 1
"ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_SyncTime could not get valid time" caused by timezone diffrence
#506 opened by kytpbs - 2
Add support for LZSS tools on Windows
#393 opened by megacct - 1
Package tools on PyPI
#401 opened by oxr463 - 1
MKRBN1500 Arduino IoT Cloud Connection Issue
#313 opened by ncohen17 - 2
- 0
- 0
`-Wsign-compare` compiler warnings
#493 opened by zfields - 3
Example `utility/ArduinoIoTCloud_Travis_CI` has high frequency updates defined for LoRa.
#496 opened by zfields - 3
`-Wvla` compiler warnings
#491 opened by zfields - 0
`-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor` compiler warnings
#492 opened by zfields - 2
How to add a supported board?
#486 opened by ssilverman - 0
Library changes pin mode of A0 to INPUT
#479 opened by per1234 - 4
Version 2.0 plus Wire.h not working
#466 opened by humphrey-b52 - 0
- 0
- 1
Support Dual Station and Access point WiFi mode for Arduino IoT Cloud connection.
#454 opened by jsolderitsch - 0
Compilation fails "multiple definition of ..." when "ESP Mail Client" and ArduinoIoTCloud libraries used in sketch
#398 opened by RoboRoyal - 6
- 0
- 4
- 1
OTA-esp32.cpp:125:29: error: 'isCapable' is not a member of 'Arduino_ESP32_OTA'
#415 opened by mhavill - 0
- 12
- 6
Incompatible with Apple M1 processor
#364 opened by elastra21 - 1
- 5
Negative values
#382 opened by daniocarter - 5
Scheduler isn't valid when using Time zone
#383 opened by BlastCom - 1
Where are the Micropython examples and help?
#384 opened by anglerfish27 - 2
Callback Sync only works once after reboot
#295 opened by Frodo1980 - 13
Include the capability to send messages from the modules to the messenger dashboard
#360 opened by delcioDEV - 2
- 0
- 0
Add a cloud pause capability needed for cellular modem devices like MKR NB 1500
#369 opened by TomWesthoff - 4
Fatal Error: SFU.h: No Such File or Directory
#361 opened by MJCoolTech - 1
Compilation of my sketch fails: "`'class ArduinoIoTCloudTCP' has no member named 'getFloatProperty'`"
#358 opened by msmuringo - 4
Version 1.10.0 - Error in OTA.h
#357 opened by mhavill - 1
Reset when connected to network but no internet
#348 opened by mderler - 3
- 5
ArduinoCloud.update(); delay occures
#319 opened by punj - 0
Remove ThingID from library examples
#304 opened by pennam - 1
- 2
SE050 support library
#336 opened by zorc1985 - 2
Not Working with RBDIMMER
#321 opened by jamsyogendra - 2
When registering the first Lora device allow to reuse an existing TTN account
#320 opened by Bodobolero - 0
- 8
Red death by LED with PortentaH7
#303 opened by hpssjellis - 0