Hardware independent layer of the Arduino cores defining the official API
- 00mjk
- aentingerLXRobotics GmbH
- andreagilardoni
- cmaglie@bugst @arduino
- damellisOakland, CA
- dcuartielles
- eemailme
- facchinmArduino
- gpb01Phoenix Sistemi & Automazione s.a.g.l.
- iZhangHuiAirmind
- JAndrassySlovakia
- JeffAntonPerforce Software
- jhcloos
- jwryan4
- ktandSweden
- loulansuiye
- manchoz@trmpln - @bcmi-labs
- mapalmalemusMiWebExpreso
- matthijskooijmanMatthijs Kooijman IT
- mcspr
- nrgntt
- Oh-Doo-Yong
- Onno-Dirkzwager
- PaulStoffregenPJRC
- pennam
- per1234
- pnndra
- rbehm-ibbTaiwan
- RedferneSweden
- RickKimball
- sfranzyshenScotty Franzyshen
- smpcph
- taylor-an@Wiznet
- TechRay67
- tigoe
- zerotheoryLost & Found Treasures