
avr-g++: error: cannot access device-specs for 'atmega328p' expected at 'device-specs/specs-atmega328p'

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Ubuntu 16.04 with KDE installed but this error is via ssh at the CLI. Newly installed using the latest golang, arduino-builder and IDE, all installed from respective tar.gz-type files (none from Ubuntu repository), striclty using the default directory locations. I got the error BOTH with AND without running the IDE for it to make the ~/.arduino15 directory on its first compile+download. The download to the board via IDE was successful, unlike results with arduino-builder.

The command lines that produced the error, run from their respective directories, are:

./main -hardware /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/hardware -tools /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/tools -fqbn arduino:avr:uno ~/arduino.dir/thermostat.v.0.0.004/thermostat.v.0.0.004.ino

as well as

./arduino-builder -hardware /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/hardware -tools /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/tools -fqbn arduino:avr:uno -debug-level 1 -compile ~/arduino.dir/thermostat.v.0.0.004/thermostat.v.0.0.004.ino

The IDE executed the following command as it compiles:

/home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/arduino-builder -compile -logger=machine -hardware /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/hardware -hardware /home/homeowner/Arduino/hardware -tools /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/tools-builder -tools /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/hardware/tools/avr -built-in-libraries /home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/libraries -libraries /home/homeowner/Arduino/libraries -fqbn=arduino:avr:uno -vid-pid=0X2341_0X0043 -ide-version=10805 -build-path /tmp/arduino_build_216182 -warnings=null -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 /home/homeowner/Arduino/thermostat/thermostat.ino

and executes the following command as it uploads:

/home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/home/homeowner/arduino-1.8.5/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -q -q -patmega328p -carduino -P/dev/ttyACM0 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/tmp/arduino_build_216182/thermostat.ino.hex:i

Both also work from CLI via ssh immediately following execution by IDE.

(Note that one error along my travels was

fork/exec /bin/avr-g++: no such file or directory

for which I made the following link:

ln /home/homeowner/Arduino/build/linux/work/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ /bin

Maybe that was the incorrect way to handle that?????)

I do notice a capitalization difference in the name of the ~/arduino-1.8.5 directory. One of the machines has it existing as ~/Arduino-1.8.5. Will investigate....
...after investigating a few minutes worth, I found that the lower cased directory name came from a file named arduino-1.8.5-linux64.tar.xz while the upper cased directory was from the file named Arduino-1.8.5.tar.xz. Haven't looked yet to see where I got each one....

Hi @kenneth558 ,
the builder can also work in a fully standalone way when all the paths are configured correctly. The first command is missing tools-builder folder which contains ctags, needed to forward-declare missing prototypes.

Furthermore, /bin/avr-g++ error means that {runtime.avr-gcc.path} could not be expanded by the builder since it didn't find any matching tool. On a normal installation (if you only need avr support) tools live in $arduinoBaseFolder/hardware/tools/avr so you need to add that path to -tools to let the builder find the compiler. No symlink needed 😉

Please close the issue if this answers your doubts, thanks!

I'll close the issue b/c I'm confident I can enact a workaround for my own needs. The puzzling fact that there are multiple versions of the IDE 1.8.5 (one unzipping with and the other unzipping seemingly without arduino-builder, as gleaned from searching my post-unzip directories) hopefully will not totally block my project's progress further, though it does indicate teamwork issues.

As I closed this, I was in the process of looking at the contrasting outputs of the two IDE tar files as shown by running the following command on both of them:

tar -tf Downloads/arduino-1.8.5-linux64.tar.xz|grep builder


tar -tf Downloads/Arduino-1.8.5.tar.xz|grep builder

The differences between the two zip files, which I don't include here, should be made known to the development team members involved. I feel pretty sure that differences like what you'll see there can produce frustrating scenarios between end users and development team members who assist them when each is using a different setup.

Arduino-1.8.5.tar.xz is not an official build. All the official ones are listed on and these are the checksums.
Any other distribution is to be considered unofficial and totally unsupported. Thanks

Very nice to know! Thank you and Lord bless!!!