Primary profession: Electronics Technician (diploma 1980, Associate degree 1991, unrelated Bachelor degrees 1999, 2010)... I love the Lord Jesus
Pinned Repositories
for images to have shorter names
Arduino core for the ESP32
For all 32K flash boards, but will lack thermostat auto mode option in boards not able to hold all enhancements but needing KY-013 &/or DHT with calibration. Other boards will still have the thermostat auto mode option. Removed thermostat "auto" mode to make room while retaining "heat", "cool", and "off" modes.
I use this sketch in the Arduino UNO, Mega2560, Leonardo, Wemo XI (TTGO XI) to operate my furnace and automate electrical power circuits. Connected via USB to my Ubuntu headless firewall, I have remote control of it from over the Internet.
Displays details of all Digital pins and pin change interrupt relationships. Detects any DHT devices on any and all DIGITAL pins and provides the readings of those devices found on pin change interrupt-served pins while leaving void loop() totally available for your main sketch. This is how interrupts are supposed to work. WeMo/TTGO XI version gives no actual DHT readings, yet. monitor. PROOF OF CONCEPT ONLY, Please forgive the ugly so I can get caught up on other projects :-)
Simple Bash based web server, this is fork of the project by Avleen -
A web page (NOTE: Only Firefox & Pale Moon browsers give approved rendering) and some server-side web server scripting in a mini web server called bashttpd. Even looks good on Android devices as far as I've seen, though working the sliders is more difficult when your finger touch point is larger than them. With this tricked out version of bashttpd, you won't need a high-powered web server like Apache nor nginx (I didn't feel like learning nginx, and certainly don't care for learning Apache). IN PROGRESS but does work way, way better than nothing. Chrome renders differently, but in a pinch it will function halfway.
This serves as notice of changing permissions
(I abandoned this project upon realizing just how disparately divergent the Linux universe is) Linux Scripting "Packet-filter Owner Only Firewall - Invisible To Everyone Else". Attempt at cross-flavor Linux installer, but there's too much fragmentation in the Linux world to finish this.
kenneth558's Repositories
(I abandoned this project upon realizing just how disparately divergent the Linux universe is) Linux Scripting "Packet-filter Owner Only Firewall - Invisible To Everyone Else". Attempt at cross-flavor Linux installer, but there's too much fragmentation in the Linux world to finish this.
This serves as notice of changing permissions
A web page (NOTE: Only Firefox & Pale Moon browsers give approved rendering) and some server-side web server scripting in a mini web server called bashttpd. Even looks good on Android devices as far as I've seen, though working the sliders is more difficult when your finger touch point is larger than them. With this tricked out version of bashttpd, you won't need a high-powered web server like Apache nor nginx (I didn't feel like learning nginx, and certainly don't care for learning Apache). IN PROGRESS but does work way, way better than nothing. Chrome renders differently, but in a pinch it will function halfway.
for images to have shorter names
Arduino core for the ESP32
For all 32K flash boards, but will lack thermostat auto mode option in boards not able to hold all enhancements but needing KY-013 &/or DHT with calibration. Other boards will still have the thermostat auto mode option. Removed thermostat "auto" mode to make room while retaining "heat", "cool", and "off" modes.
I use this sketch in the Arduino UNO, Mega2560, Leonardo, Wemo XI (TTGO XI) to operate my furnace and automate electrical power circuits. Connected via USB to my Ubuntu headless firewall, I have remote control of it from over the Internet.
Displays details of all Digital pins and pin change interrupt relationships. Detects any DHT devices on any and all DIGITAL pins and provides the readings of those devices found on pin change interrupt-served pins while leaving void loop() totally available for your main sketch. This is how interrupts are supposed to work. WeMo/TTGO XI version gives no actual DHT readings, yet. monitor. PROOF OF CONCEPT ONLY, Please forgive the ugly so I can get caught up on other projects :-)
Simple Bash based web server, this is fork of the project by Avleen -
Search Transcriptions Of Kat Kerr's Presentations
(I abandoned this project upon realizing just how disparately divergent the Linux universe is) Uses dialog if installed, the poofitee settings are all entered before installation begins
This repo contains example code for various RPi Sensors/Actors and so on...
(I abandoned this project upon realizing just how disparately divergent the Linux universe is) bare minimum packages and whitelist-only access to your Linux home surveillance &/or automation system
This new thermostat version adds features that the first thermostat sketch could not fit into a number of 32K flash Arduinos that did not make their full flash capacity available for sketches. The cost in this sketch was some of those less-endowed boards do not have auto thermostat mode. KY-013 per-sensor calibration is NOW included. Humidistat will be the next feature to add once I obtain the BME280.