- 0
IDE fails to download web resources and/or hangs on startup when using DNS Proxy
#2556 opened by OzFalcon - 0
- 1
arduino-ide/docs/ has old link to Arduino CLI's prerequisites section.
#2595 opened by brewmanz - 4
- 3
std::array seems broken
#2594 opened by alanv72 - 3
- 0
- 1
IDE freezes and goes offline when large folder is present in sketchbook
#2537 opened by leonardocavagnis - 6
IDE not compiling if Board manager URL is 404
#2575 opened by CWCarlson123 - 0
IDE hangs and mem usage grows to 100% with gui not responding when opening in remote desktop (RDP)
#2590 opened by alanv72 - 1
[docs] 2.3.4 release notes contain a bad link
#2589 opened by ssilverman - 1
The folder structure has changed in release 2.3.4
#2588 opened by tanakamasayuki - 1
Arduino IDE on First Run is a Stupid Interface
#2585 opened by ruvsudrn - 0
Read-only files/tabs opened by "Go To Definition" are touched (last modified dates), causing massive recompilation with superficial sketch change
#2586 opened by liudr - 0
Progress notification never resolves if Library Manager search used during library installation
#2584 opened by luqizhi666 - 0
- 2
color impossible to change
#2582 opened by RayofJay - 0
IDE can't start if localhost resolve to IPv6 address
#2579 opened by StevenLeRoux - 1
Update or install package hangs on processing state when Serial Monitor/Plotter is open
#2562 opened by webspiderteam - 0
- 0
- 1
Serial Monitor - Copy does only work with limitations
#2568 opened by SaKiEQ - 2
"Select Other Board and Port" dialog content disappears when search query entered
#2551 opened by deralteherr - 3
Crashing on start
#2561 opened by Aphexus - 2
Canceling compilation or upload doesn't kill tool process
#2517 opened by per1234 - 0
Please update clang in Arduino IDE
#2560 opened by oldtomdevel - 0
- 2
Line numbers in editor selected when selecting text in Serial Monitor, Ctrl+A selects editor content
#2558 opened by ivannunyadambiz - 0
The Windows build is broken for external contributors
#2545 opened by dankeboy36 - 0
- 0
IDE hangs on startup: "`connectex: A connection attempt failed because the remote host did not respond ...`"
#2546 opened by tps800 - 2
IDE fails to start - JSON parse error
#2544 opened by ondra-novak - 2
- 0
Unsaved changes cause wrong error display in output window after compilation.
#2542 opened by georgepapas123 - 1
Error: 13 INTERNAL: Cannot install tool esp32:esp32-arduino-libs@idf-release_v5.1-632e0c2a: testing local archive integrity:
#2540 opened by baelzabubba - 3
IDE does not start: "EADDRNOTAVAIL: address not available"
#2536 opened by sclsj - 0
Latest nightly says there's a software update
#2538 opened by emilfihlman - 3
- 1
Take over microsoft/vscode-arduino
#2534 opened by iamart - 1
- 0
The buttons in the upper right corner overlap
#2532 opened by liushuai05 - 0
- 3
[help request] how to use the search-replace function with regex captured groups?
#2528 opened by atesin - 1
- 2
Custom partitions.csv on ESP32 is ignored
#2526 opened by aIecxs - 0
IDE Hangs On Start: "Error: invalid path creating config dir...Access is denied" when home directory name different from username
#2525 opened by 0x0303BE - 1
- 1
Scrolling the boards menu (Tools -> Board -> esp32 ->) with touchpad scrolls and selects from the Tools menu
#2521 opened by emilfihlman - 1
I can't copy full text from Seril Monitor window
#2520 opened by tankist-git-2 - 1
Unexpected substring operation with String class
#2519 opened by tankist-git-2