Arduino UNO R4 WiFi USB Bridge firmware

This firmware uses arduino-esp32

Update submodules

git submodule update --init --depth 1 --no-single-branch

Get the toolchain

cd hardware/esp32-patched/esp32/tools

Build the firmware


Running the compile script will:

  1. Compile the firmware using arduino-cli
  2. Export binaries in the build directory inside the UNOR4USBBridge folder

The script will produce a bunch of binary files that can be flashed using esptool from the build directory:

esptool --chip esp32s3 --port "/dev/ttyACM0" --baud 921600  --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash  -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x0 "UNOR4USBBridge.ino.bootloader.bin" 0x8000 "UNOR4USBBridge.ino.partitions.bin" 0xe000 "../../../boot/boot_app0.bin" 0x10000 "UNOR4USBBridge.ino.bin"

Package a single binary


The script will take care of generating a single binary blob including the TLS certificates bundle. Running the export script will:

  1. Invoke the script
  2. Generate the certificate bundle using this script and this certificates list
  3. Combine everything in a single binary blob that can be flashed from address 0x0 using espflash
espflash write-bin -b 115200 0x0 S3.bin

Update your board

To flash the firmware the board needs to be in ESP download mode. This can be done manually or using the unor4wifi-updater script.

Alternatively you can also use the script to update the firmware using the arduino-cli. Also in this case the script should be invoked after putting the board in ESP download mode.