
a dumb simple weather dashboard built from OpenWeatherMaps APi, MongoDB, and Plotly Dash

Primary LanguagePython


a dumb-simple weather dashboard built from OpenWeatherMaps APi, MongoDB, Windy, and Plotly Dash

Picture Demo


Video Demo



wdash consists of two scripts, neither of which needs to be installed as a python module in order to run:

  • daemon.py: Pulls data from OpenWeatherMaps, stores it in a mongodb.
  • app.py: The plotly dash app which will display the dashboard.

1. Install mongodb for your platform, if you intend to run the database locally.

You can find instructions for how to do so here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/

Next, ensure mongodb is running. You can check by trying to connect to your mongodb with the mongo shell command.

2. Install python requirements

Navigate to the wdash directory and run

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Configure wdash

All the variables needed to configure wdash are in config.yml.


Any latitude and longitude in the world.


The host of your mongodb instance, e.g., localhost


The port of your mongodb instance, e.g., 27017


The name of the mongodb database you'd like to use or create to hold your wdash data, e.g., wdash


The interval to update (gather current weathers and forecasts), in seconds. The default 1800 corresponds to every 30 minutes.


The port you'd like the wdash interface to run on.


Your OpenWeatherMaps API key. Only the free-tier API key is required for full functionality. You'll need to create a free account to get an API key.


The embeddable url for your windy map, which you can obtain from Windy

Running wdash

Simply run

source run.sh

In the wdash directory for the daemon and app to run in the background. All output will be logged to log.txt in the wdash directory.