- 3
Install issues with Fresh Laravel 11
#117 opened by domthomas-dev - 2
[FEATURE-REQUEST] Use @stack directive
#133 opened by yokozawa0701 - 4
`bundle` never ends.
#132 opened by yokozawa0701 - 0
PHP version support
#131 opened by fruitl00p - 0
Lots of warnings?
#129 opened by fruitl00p - 1
- 3
Feature request: manageable addons
#115 opened by jim-syn - 1
- 0
copy-pastable code snippets
#125 opened by 2rkmen - 0
- 3
blast:launch fails on fresh install 1.6
#49 opened by csrui - 1
"The command "'node' './src/resolveTailwindConfig.js'" failed" when executing artisan blast:launch
#119 opened by SimKlee - 7
- 2
Feature request: allow dynamic urls
#114 opened by fruitl00p - 7
Is Blast for Tailwind only?
#95 opened by wojciechczerniak - 0
feat(tailwindcss): ❤️ ⬆️ bump tailwindcss to 3.4
#103 opened by chrillep - 2
Script asset type
#59 opened by Thomva - 1
- 10
- 4
TypeError: Failed to fetch at _callee$ (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_storybook_addon-a11y_dist_esm_a11yHighlight_js-generated-other-entry_js--83ef59.iframe.bundle.js:26705:20)
#30 opened by ziming - 3
Are actions supported?
#28 opened by sbrow - 1
Possible issue with vagrant box installation
#27 opened by RobertByrnes - 2
Segmentation fault, signal 11
#106 opened by gdziekarowski - 1
- 4
launch should use $this->storybookViewports
#101 opened by chrillep - 7
Error after initial blast:launch
#100 opened by Wulfheart - 3
- 4
[FEATURE-REQUEST] A static solution
#66 opened by conradkirschner - 6
❤️ add ability to set manifest path
#82 opened by chrillep - 2
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
Add port option to the blast:launch command
#79 opened by Thomva - 0
How to display a component that uses the $errors variable in Story with explicit passing?
#77 opened by suginoki45 - 4
- 4
- 1
Error when running Blast with Invoker
#61 opened by nathangross - 2
Ability to pass args to story as an array?
#33 opened by RobertByrnes - 1
EventSource's response has a MIME type ("application/json") that is not "text/event-stream". Aborting the connection.
#58 opened by AlaaElden98 - 0
- 0
exited with code 1
#53 opened by daggemarren - 2
Support Laravel 9
#42 opened by MatanYadaev - 1
CORS issue
#40 opened by mattgreenfield - 0
Can not use . in args
#39 opened by vladninja - 0
Storybook exited with code 1
#38 opened by vladninja - 6
- 7
CORS error thrown line 46 render.js
#20 opened by RobertAByrnes - 2
Webpack update not working with Sail Laravel
#22 opened by wireless25