The home of the core components of the EPICS areaDetector software. It includes base classes for drivers and code for all of the standard plugins.
- ajgdlsObservatory Sciences Ltd
- antoninomiceliArgonne National Laboratory
- BenBradnickQuantum Detectors
- bhill-slacSLAC Natl Accel Lab
- brunoseivamMicrosoft - Azure Data
- cpchuangAdvanced Photon Source
- danielballanBrookhaven National Laboratory - NSLS-II
- decarlofArgonne National Laboratory
- deism
- doevelopperVersailles
- domitto
- eemailme
- GDYendell@DiamondLightSource
- gilesknapDiamond Light Source Ltd. @DiamondLightSource
- gustavosr8CNPEM - LNLS
- hinxxLund
- jhcloos
- jwlodekBrookhaven National Laboratory
- kgofronORNL
- MarkRiversUniversity of Chicago
- mp49
- oksanagitBNL
- prjemianAdvanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
- stuwilkins@NSLS-II
- tjmaddenArgonneArgonne National Laboratory
- xiaoqiangwangPaul Scherrer Institut