Workshop: Learning AngularJS

Welcome to the Learning AngularJS workshop. I hope you have fun, check the Usage section below for installation instructions and instructions on loading the different environments.



In order to build, install and develop the application the following dependencies are required:

  • Node.js, version 0.8+
  • Git, for checking out the source code of this project. If you don't have Git installed on your pc/laptop you can also just download the source by clicking on download button in Github. This will download a zip file containing the source.

All other libraries, tools and packages can be installed automatically - see 'Installing dependencies' sections below for more information.

Installing dependencies

Install the npm packages the application depends on using the following command from within the directory containing the workshop files:

$ npm install

This will install the missing NPM packages as specified in npm's package.json file. After this script has succesfully been run, you can run the application.

Running the application

On Unix systems you can start the application like this:

$ ./script/start-server

On Windows systems you can start the application like this:

$ node ./script/codercontest-api.js

Then navigate your browser to http://localhost:9001/ to see the GUI application running in your browser.

Loading an assignment

The session spans a total of eight assignments, each showing a different part of the Angular framework.

In this repository, we've created a branch for each of these assignments. The branch is the starting point of the assignment. The table below lists the different assignments and their corresponding branches:

# Assignment Branch name
1 Your first application assignment1-your-first
2 Scopes assignment2-scopes
3 Communicating with APIs
- Using $http assignment3-api
- Using $resource assignment3-step-resource
4 Routes assignment4-routes
5 Filters assignment5-filters
6 Directives assignment6-directives
7 Dependency Injection assignment7-di
8 Wrapping up assignment8-wrapping-up

You can load a new assignment by checking out the corresponding branch from Git.

Before loading a new assignment, your local changes need to be discarded. Perform the following commands to do this and check out the assignment1-your-first branch:

$ git clean -f .
$ git checkout .
$ git checkout assignment1-your-first

Also, don't forget to restart the server after each switch to another branch.

Have fun!