
Front End For RentoMojo Assignment

Primary LanguageTypeScript

RentoMojo Assignment Frontend

The project consists of two parts - The Frontend created using Angular and the backend created using Node.Js and Express.
This Fronend is a Single Page Application (SPA) which consists of Login, Signup and the post page. The Post page is a protected route that can be only accessed when a user is logged in. The post page is used to post, upvote and downvote comments
The project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.8.

Directory Structure

   |-- RentoMojo
       |-- .editorconfig
       |-- .gitignore
       |-- angular.json
       |-- package-lock.json
       |-- package.json
       |-- README.md
       |-- tsconfig.json
       |-- tslint.json
       |-- .idea
       |   |-- encodings.xml
       |   |-- misc.xml
       |   |-- modules.xml
       |   |-- RmAssignmentFrontend.iml
       |   |-- vcs.xml
       |   |-- watcherTasks.xml
       |   |-- workspace.xml
       |   |-- codeStyles
       |   |   |-- codeStyleConfig.xml
       |   |   |-- Project.xml
       |   |-- inspectionProfiles
       |       |-- Project_Default.xml
       |-- e2e
       |   |-- protractor.conf.js
       |   |-- tsconfig.e2e.json
       |   |-- src
       |       |-- app.e2e-spec.ts
       |       |-- app.po.ts
       |-- src
           |-- bootstrap.css
           |-- browserslist
           |-- favicon.ico
           |-- index.html
           |-- karma.conf.js
           |-- main.ts
           |-- polyfills.ts
           |-- styles.scss
           |-- test.ts
           |-- tsconfig.app.json
           |-- tsconfig.spec.json
           |-- tslint.json
           |-- app
           |   |-- app-routing.module.ts
           |   |-- app.component.html
           |   |-- app.component.scss
           |   |-- app.component.spec.ts
           |   |-- app.component.ts
           |   |-- app.module.ts
           |   |-- components
           |   |   |-- comments
           |   |   |   |-- comments.component.html
           |   |   |   |-- comments.component.scss
           |   |   |   |-- comments.component.spec.ts
           |   |   |   |-- comments.component.ts
           |   |   |-- login
           |   |   |   |-- login.component.html
           |   |   |   |-- login.component.scss
           |   |   |   |-- login.component.spec.ts
           |   |   |   |-- login.component.ts
           |   |   |-- navbar
           |   |   |   |-- navbar.component.html
           |   |   |   |-- navbar.component.scss
           |   |   |   |-- navbar.component.spec.ts
           |   |   |   |-- navbar.component.ts
           |   |   |-- post
           |   |   |   |-- post.component.html
           |   |   |   |-- post.component.scss
           |   |   |   |-- post.component.spec.ts
           |   |   |   |-- post.component.ts
           |   |   |-- register
           |   |       |-- register.component.html
           |   |       |-- register.component.scss
           |   |       |-- register.component.spec.ts
           |   |       |-- register.component.ts
           |   |-- models
           |   |   |-- comments.ts
           |   |   |-- dataInterfaces.ts
           |   |-- services
           |       |-- auth-guard.service.spec.ts
           |       |-- auth-guard.service.ts
           |       |-- authentication.service.spec.ts
           |       |-- authentication.service.ts
           |-- assets
           |   |-- .gitkeep
           |-- environments
               |-- environment.prod.ts
               |-- environment.ts

Running Locally

Run git clone https://github.com/arealdeadone/rentomojo_frontend.git to clone the project to a local directory.
Run npm install to install the dependencies
Run ng serve to start the local development server


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Project Workflow

The root page is the login page, which can be used to login. This redirects to the post page, where the user can post, upvote and downvote comments. The register page can be used to register new users. The authentication system is implemented in order to ensure that the comments can be identified by users.