
Presentation karaoke app in ClojureScript using Hoplon

Primary LanguageClojure


This ClojureScript application uses Hoplon and the flickr API to obtain random images and display them in the browser. Try it or see all of the code.

Hoplon (née HLisp) is a Leiningen plugin containing an extended ClojureScript compiler and related tools and libraries like Javelin.

For a rationale and some context related to this style of application development, please see this design document.

Hoplon is currently under heavy development, and this demo is subject to frequent breaking change. That said, we welcome feedback and contribution.


lein hoplon auto  # compile ClojureScript (and automatically if sources change)

Then, open resources/public/index.html in your browser.


Copyright © 2013 Alan Dipert

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.