
This C++ code is an implementation of a Polynomial class that supports arithmetic operations (+ and -) and comparison (==) using operator overloading. The Polynomial class allows users to create polynomials of varying degrees, and input coefficients, perform basic arithmetic operations, and compare polynomials for equality.

Primary LanguageC++

Implementation of Polynomial Class in C++ with Operator Overloading for Arithmetic Operations


This repository contains a C++ implementation of a Polynomial class that supports arithmetic operations (+ and -) and comparison (==) using operator overloading. The Polynomial class allows users to create polynomials of varying degrees, and input coefficients, perform basic arithmetic operations, and compare polynomials for equality.


  • Dynamic Coefficient Array: Supports polynomials with dynamically allocated coefficient arrays.
  • Arithmetic Operations: Overloaded operators (+, -, +=, -=) for addition and subtraction of polynomials.
  • Comparison: Overloaded equality operator (==) to compare two polynomials.
  • Input/Output Operations: Overloaded << and >> operators for convenient input and output of polynomial objects.
  • Memory Management: Proper destructor implementation to manage dynamic memory allocation.


  • Initialization: Create Polynomial objects using the default constructor or specify the size (degree) of the polynomial.

    Polynomial poly1; // Default constructor.

    Polynomial poly2(5); // Polynomial of degree 5.

  • Input Coefficients: Use overloaded >> operator to input coefficients for a polynomial.

  • Arithmetic Operations:

    • Addition: Use the + operator to add two polynomials
    • Subtraction: Use the - operator to subtract one polynomial from another.
    • Compound Assignment: Use += and -= operators for in-place addition and subtraction.
  • Comparison: Use the == operator to check if two polynomials are equal

  • Output: Use the << operator for formatted output of polynomial objects


  • Polynomial Class: Defined in polynomial.h header file and implemented in polynomial.cpp.
  • Main Program: PolynomialMain.cpp demonstrates the usage of the Polynomial class with examples of input, arithmetic operations, and comparisons.

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure to include polynomial.h in any source file where Polynomial class objects are used.
  • Properly manage dynamic memory by implementing copy constructors, assignment operators, and destructors as demonstrated in the Polynomial class.