Python 3 service package for api.
Key Features:
Design principle follows using defaults, and enabling callers to override should details be stated.
Enforce key JSON data needs for success of a call to minimize poorly constructed or missing data components during call
Exception handling for all responses
Tools to help track status monitor of jobs (mediaid and children taskid)
Standardize on JSON
PEP3107 type hinting to ensure contract clarity
PEP8 compliant
pylint friendly: no error, decent score 8/10
Support for python native types, convert to specifics when needed. List --> "value, value2, value3" Bool --> yes/no
Revision History
- encodingcom/tests/ added test for process media
- added helper function get_filename_from_url
- tools/ provided as a CLI to report all elements in the queue. verbose mode enables GetStatus along with GetMediaInfo level of details
- tools/ provided as a CLI to help manage/delete items in the queue
- functional test for CancelMedia action
- Poller class to help provide education and status monitor core code
- New tool "tools/" to track status of mediaid job and report accordingly. Also reports on jobs that have been completed
- More Actions supported, along with extended variants
- Unit test operational
- Unit test driven from environment variable to define user id, and key
Complete rewrite from original hard contract binding specifics to variable/kwargs driven principle enable client to specify data specifics for call structure.
Design principle follows using defaults, and enabling callers to override should details be stated.
Enforce key JSON data needs for success of a call to minimize poorly constructed or missing data components during call
Exception handling for all responses... as embeds all errors within a HTTP status 200 call. Not restful or complies with
Errors parsed are thrown as exceptions enabling caller to catch and process accordingly
Many more Actions supported using PEP8
Unit tests initial set for positive and negative Core and needs to grow more to accomodate different scenarios. Need more data (image vs. movies)
Helpers to parse and retrieve key content from the response
Poorly documented thumbnail data specifics now reflect email from devops at
HTTP(S) support
Request package adoption, move away from URLLib
- PEP8 Compliant
- Pythonic handling of imports
- Fix all warnings
- Pythonic practice of auto-initialzer when invoking Encoding class objects
- zip_safe flag is false as we want source code to be installed in site_packages. This package is so small, zip is not warranted
- Original distribution to PyPi