
Arweave Ruby SDK

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

The project moved to License Rocks open source community: https://github.com/LicenseRocks/arweave-ruby

Arweave Ruby SDK

Ruby flavoured Arweave


Run gem install arweave

or put the gem into your gemfile:

gem 'arweave', '~> 1.0.0'


The default node that this package uses is https://arweave.net. But you can simply configure it:

Arweave::Client.configure do |config|
  config.host = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' # a valid node IP
  config.port = '1984'
  config.scheme = 'https'

Transaction methods

Creating transactions

For a complete list of arguments you can pass to the new method, checkout the documentation.

jwk = JSON.parse(File.read('/path/to/arweave-keyfile.json'))
wallet = Arweave::Wallet.new jwk

transaction = Arweave::Transaction.new(data: '<b>test</b>')
# => #<Arweavev::Transaction:0x00007f9b61299330 @attributes={...}>

You can also chain the methods

Arweave::Transaction.new(data: '<b>test</b>').sign(wallet).commit
# => #<Arweavev::Transaction:0x00007f9b61299330 @attributes={...}>

You can get the transaction attributes from the attribuets hash:

# => "tSF6pxiknBk0hBUTkdzq02E0zvsrT0xe4UtCzZit-bz"

Find transaction by id

# => #<Arweavev::Transaction:0x00007f9b61299330 @attributes={...}>

Getting a transaction data

the transaction data class method returns base64 decoded data for data transactions

# => "<b>test</b>"

Getting transaction status

the status class method returns an open struct that responds to pending? and accepted? methods. If you need the text status, you can use to_s and to_sym methods. To see the status JSON data, use the data method.

status = Arweave::Transaction.status('tSF6pxiknBk0hBUTkdzq02E0zvsrT0xe4UtCzZit-bz')
status.pending? # => false
status.accepted? # => true
status.to_s # => "accepted"
status.to_sym # => :accepted
# => {
#   "block_height": 468306,
#   "block_indep_hash": "hh0ceHGfEOuTQWYMXGNzb2AabezqZUhtSw5vtUPKTtGmkViPArX5WeLBKBYZIwlS",
#   "number_of_confirmations": 388
# }

Wallet methods

Getting wallet owner

The owner method returns the full RSA modulus value of the wallet.

# => "...-Tr3S_HBgX2ixr1ZwEMD7iJlUEJrvItE-lBepKHHLd0OFJ3PgkKsP15TEefVezhssSO_s_EQdJ4yA7Ij8Y_XsAGXrjM76MYa7QZNWTLqhc7cixBDBWk0KLPBuN-AdjN71BXYJRZ_5gMzUyu1GKSuaIcvzISTqPbVuJwFPTNLkmm3t-wRtioKAyQzieqskQuh4iYKmeBQ0SAuDd0Xf3wcGxWRIrK7lphP2A0cIA65dUY2klDbiZVwWh_82igD00cGmZLSzFTaVNqIBNyPN5nTLriCGnYbWnMj9-uPghK_NYGyKYOkwPGJB3bZ_fPvLzWkrTnKi1uqyKdp_4AEKAfKLO3agh7rfB3wNKe-..."

Getting wallet address

The address of a wallet is a Base64 URL encoded SHA-256 hash of the n value from the JWK.

# => "bQ3zPuzKXOpnaZ_O_kcbByRBaso2e4nyIN8KmsQH80"

Getting wallet balance

This method returns an open struct contains the balance both ar and winston as BigDecimal.

balance = wallet.balance
# => #<OpenStruct ar=0.249891527825e0, winston=0.249891527825e12>
balance.ar # => 0.249891527825e0
balance.winston # => 0.249891527825e12

balance.winston.to_i # => 249891527825

Get the wallet's last transaction id

wallet.last_transaction_id # => "BsHjWHBwSlmW_VgOcgLmsQacQjpohmvVDLMMVyuAkie"