
This is Git Commands Cheat sheet. You can Contribute to this by forking and creating a pull request.

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Git Cheat Sheet

Basic Git Commands Cheet Sheet

πŸ›  Create a Repository

From scratch -- Create a new local repository
git init [project name]
Download from an existing repository
git clone my_url

πŸ”Ž Observe your Repository

List new or modified files not yet committed
git status
Show the changes to files not yet staged
git diff
Show the changes to staged files
git diff --cached
Show all staged and unstaged file changes
git diff HEAD
Show the changes between two commit ids
git diff commit1 commit2
List the change dates and authors for a file
git blame [file]
Show the file changes for a commit id and/or file
git show [commit]: [file]
Show full change history
git log
Show change history for file/directory including diffs
git log -p [file/directory]

🌴 Working with Branches

List all local branches
git branch
List all branches, local and remote
git branch
Switch to a branch, branch_name, and update working directory
git checkout branch_name
Create a new branch called new branch
git branch branch_name
Delete the branch called my_branch
git branch -d my_branch
Merge branch _a into branch_b
git checkout branch_b git merge branch_a
Tag the current commit
git tag my_tag

πŸ‘› Make a change

Stages the file, ready for commit
git add [file]
Stage all changed files, ready for commit
git add .
Commit all staged files to versioned history
git commit -m "commit message"
Commit all your tracked files to versioned history
git commit -am "commit message
Unstages file, keeping the file changes
git reset [file]
Revert everything to the last commit
git reset --hard
Overwrite commit history with your own local history (force push): git push --force

🚰 Synchronize

Get the latest changes from origin (no merge)
git fetch
Fetch the latest changes from origin and merge
git pull
Fetch the latest changes from origin and rebase
git pull --rebase
Push local changes to the origin
git push


When in doubt, use git help
git command --help