
simple nodejs config loader

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Configloader

Simple Node.js Configloader


How it Works

node-configloader works with 3 different config file (all in json format). the common.cfg.json is the main one. production.cfg.json and development.cfg.json are other files which are required when application environment is set to production or development. all these 3 files are placed into node-configloader directory but you can change path manually.

Install from NPM

$ npm i node-configloader

How to use

var configs = require("node-configloader");

Get Configurations

// all settings
var all = configs.get();

// only one object
var serverConfigs = configs.get("app.server");

Change Configuration Files Path


Change Application Environment

// development

// production

Set New Configurations

	app: {
		server: {
			port: 4000