A shared middle-layer for the Triton Compiler.
Currently the middle layer is not complete but has enough functionality to demonstrate how it can work. The general idea is that Triton IR is lowered into an MLIR core dialect to allow it to be both shared across Triton targets as well as allow back-ends to be shared with other languages.
The basic intended architecture looks like this:
[Triton IR] -> [Middle Layer] -> [HW specific IR]
The middle-layer uses MLIR's Linalg and Tenor Dialects for operations on Triton block values. Operations on Triton pointers use the Memref Dialect.
This repo doesn't build by itself and must instead by built from within a Triton repo where it is included as a submodule.
To add the shared middle-layer in your Triton build do export TRITON_CODEGEN_TRITON_SHARED=1
before invoking your build.
Once it is part of the Triton build it can be leveraged in two ways:
The middle layer can be used as a stand-alone component to convert Triton dialect to the middle layer dialects. This is intended for testing and validation purposes, but could potentially be used before sending the IR to another MLIR complier.
Stand-alone example:
triton-shared-opt --triton-to-linalg %file
The intended use of the Triton middle layer is to be used as a component in a Triton back-end. This can be accomplished by adding the cmake targets it produces and its headers files to that back-end. An example back-end will be published at a later date.
Even though a valid triton program can perform load and store in arbitrary memory locations, the prototype only supports lowering programs that have structured memory access patterns.
As part of the conversion process, there are three important analyses:
Pointer analysis:
- This analysis is responsible for extracting structured memory access patterns from a
program during load and store; it walks the IR and visits relevant instructions to build strided memory accesses in thememref
dialect. The analysis is still in its early stage and does not support all scenarios.
- This analysis is responsible for extracting structured memory access patterns from a
Use analysis:
- After "Pointer analysis", instructions that are part of memory address calculation will no longer be necessary in a triton program because their semantics have now been captured by
operations representing strided memory accesses. To aid with removing these instructions safely, we performUse analysis
to mark which instructions are used only in address calculation (calledMetaUse
) or used in both address calculation and data manipulation (calledMixedUse
) operations. Those that areMixedUse
are cloned and have their users adjusted accordingly with the goal of separating out theMetaUse
ops so that they can be safely deleted.
- After "Pointer analysis", instructions that are part of memory address calculation will no longer be necessary in a triton program because their semantics have now been captured by
Mask analysis:
- This analysis is responsible for handling masked loads and stores.
We introduce the TritonToLinalg
pass that converts the triton
dialect to the linalg
dialect on tensors. This means the resulting IR is fully compatible with linalg
tiling and fusion transformation passes. As mentioned in the Pointer analysis
's description, we do however have to deal with memref instructions at the load and store boundaries and have to convert them to tensors using bufferization.to_tensor
. Here's a simple example of what the IR looks like:
tt.func @kernel(%afloat : !tt.ptr<bf16>, %res : !tt.ptr<bf16>) {
%0 = tt.make_range {end = 128 : i32, start = 0 : i32} : tensor<128xi32>
%1 = tt.splat %afloat : (!tt.ptr<bf16>) -> tensor<128x!tt.ptr<bf16>>
%2 = tt.addptr %1, %0 : tensor<128x!tt.ptr<bf16>>, tensor<128xi32>
%afm = tt.load %2 {cache = 1 : i32, evict = 1 : i32, isVolatile = false} : tensor<128xbf16>
%3 = "tt.reduce"(%afm) ({
^bb0(%arg5: bf16, %arg6: bf16):
%21 = arith.addf %arg5, %arg6 : bf16
tt.reduce.return %21 : bf16
}) {axis = 0 : i32} : (tensor<128xbf16>) -> bf16
tt.store %res, %3 : bf16
after conversion:
func.func @kernel(%arg0: memref<*xbf16>, %arg1: memref<*xbf16>, %arg2: i32, %arg3: i32, %arg4: i32) {
%cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
%reinterpret_cast = memref.reinterpret_cast %arg0 to offset: [0], sizes: [128], strides: [1] :
memref<*xbf16> to memref<128xbf16, strided<[1]>>
%alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<128xbf16>
memref.copy %reinterpret_cast, %alloc : memref<128xbf16, strided<[1]>> to memref<128xbf16>
%0 = bufferization.to_tensor %alloc restrict writable : memref<128xbf16>
%1 = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<f32>
%inserted = tensor.insert %cst into %1[] : tensor<f32>
%reduced = linalg.reduce ins(%0 : tensor<128xbf16>) outs(%inserted : tensor<f32>) dimensions = [0]
(%in: bf16, %init: f32) {
%3 = arith.extf %in : bf16 to f32
%4 = arith.addf %3, %init : f32
linalg.yield %4 : f32
%extracted = tensor.extract %reduced[] : tensor<f32>
%2 = arith.truncf %extracted : f32 to bf16
%reinterpret_cast_0 = memref.reinterpret_cast %arg1 to offset: [0], sizes: [1], strides: [1] :
memref<*xbf16> to memref<1xbf16, strided<[1]>>
affine.store %2, %reinterpret_cast_0[0] : memref<1xbf16, strided<[1]>>
Important details to note:
(together with all of its related address calculation instructions such astt.addptr
) are lowered to a combination ofmemref.reinterpret_cast
, andmemref.copy
. After the initialization of the local buffer, we convert the memref back to a tensor usingbufferization.to_tensor
; this op is automatically removed during bufferization. -
lowers to a combination ofmemref.reinterpret_cast
and eitheraffine.store
%reinterpret_cast = memref.reinterpret_cast %arg2 to offset: [...] memref<*xf32> to memref<1024xf32>
%extracted_slice = tensor.extract_slice %15[0] [%21] [1] : tensor<1024xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
%subview = memref.subview %reinterpret_cast[0] [%21] [1] : memref<1024xf32> to memref<?xf32>
bufferization.materialize_in_destination %extracted_slice in writable %subview
- element-wise
operators are converted to their correspondinglinalg.generic
version. tt.dot
; known limitation: only supportaddf
reduction in the reduction body for now.
The prototype was tested on the following triton kernel examples:
- vector addition
- fused softmax
- matrix multiplication
- layer normalization
- fused attention
In addition to testing on the tutorial kernels, there are many lit tests covering various scenarios.
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